Chapter 3

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"Mami, can we go to the good place," Nik ask the next morning as we sit in front of each other, eating Fruit Loops. Nik calls the hospital the 'good place', he started calling it that two years ago when he couldn't say hospital.

"I'm off work today, baby. Don't you want to do something fun instead," I ask him, hating that I'd have to work if we'd go.

"But I want to see Gaige," Nik informs me, seeming deadset on going. I finally give in to going to the hospital for a couple of hours.

"Okay, I'm going to call daddy and then we'll leave okay? Go get ready," I say since we have finished eating our cereal. He skips off into his room as I wash out our bowl and then find Shawn's name in my phone.

"Hey, Milz," Shawn answers the phone.

"Hey, Shawn boy," I say into the speaker.

"How's my favorite two people doing," Shawn ask and I could just hear the smile in his voice.

"We're doing-" I start, but am cut off by another female voice on the other side of the phone," Come back to bed, baby."

"Who's that," I ask with my eyebrows raised, not that he could see them or anything.

"Uh, no one," he stutters out as if he was just caught in a dirty lie.

"Was that your secretary," is my only response to his pitiful try at lying.

"I've gotta go, Milz. Tell Nik I said hi and I love you both," Shawn rushes out before I hear the phone go off on his end. Well Shawn is not letting our kid affect his love life, so why am I?

"Mami, I'm ready," Nik exclaims, rushing out from his bedroom. I smile and grab my keys to leave.

"Well let's go then," I say, grabbing his smaller hand in mine and walking out of the front door. I get him buckled into his seat after a few struggles. No matter how many times I've buckled that dumb thing I can't ever get it right the first time. We both get situated and head out to the hospital. The only thing heard is Nik's singing drowning out the song on the radio.

We arrive at the hospital and as I open Nik's door I see that he had unbuckled himself.

"Let's go, bear," I say as I guide him through the parking lot and into the hospital. I walk him to Gaige's room and see someone I definitely didn't expect to be there.

"Lauren," I say, surprised to see the face that I couldn't stop thinking about in front of me.

"Damnit, I should've known you were right," Lauren mumbles more to Gaige than me.

"There's no two Camilas," Gaige brags in a proud tone, outstretching his palm to the older woman. She places a ten dollar bill in his hand with a sigh.

"Mami, my two favorite people are here," Nik exclaims excitedly, pulling on my sweater.

"Your two favorite people? What about me," I gasp dramatically, pretending to be hurt.

"Mami, quit being silly. You know you and daddy are more than my favorite people," Nik smiles sweetly at me before going over to Gaige. He animatedly starts talking to Gaige as I look over at Lauren.

"Fancy seeing you here," she tells me, standing from her spot on the hospital couch.

"How do you know Gaige?" I question, getting straight to the point.

"He's my baby nephew, we grew up really close. I've been here before, surprised I haven't seen your gorgeous face until now though," she says in what I would call a flirty voice with a small smile on her face as her eyes flicker to her nephew and Nik.

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