Chapter 4

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"Come be our third wheel tonight," Dinah request the next weekend after Lauren babysat Nik. Shawn is back from his trip and is eating up all the time that he can get with Nik, seeing as he hadn't seen him for over a week.

"Can I at least bring Ally?" Just from those words I can see Dinah's distaste in the older girl.

"What about that other girl? The one that's been babysitting Nik," she suggest, obviously not wanting to be with Ally any time soon. I sigh at her obviousness, but quickly smile realizing I'd spend time with Lauren.

"That girl is fate, Chancho. Take it while you can," Dinah simply says as she fills in her charts. I look up at her inquisitively at her words.

"What do you mean," I question. She doesn't answer, focusing on her papers for a moment.

"I mean she's Nik's teacher aide thingy then Charlie introduces her as Paden's babysitter and that's fate enough. BUT then you come here and she ends up being family to Gaige, who you have invested most of your time in, he's her aunt. I don't know seems too hippy dippy and shit to not be something like fate," Dinah says with a shrug as if what she said is no big deal. I gawk at her insight on mine and Lauren's situation, realizing how true it is.

"And I know you been texting her all week too," Dinah adds, what she says technically isn't a lie. Lauren and I have been texting a lot, getting to know each other as the only time we've seen each other this week was Tuesday morning when I dropped Nik off.

"Maybe I will invite her then. But what's so wrong with Ally," I ask, never understanding what was so wrong with my other friend.

"She talks about Jesus too much and she looks all googly eye at Normani whenever she's around," Dinah says with a shrug of her shoulders. I realize that Dinah is jealous over the fact that Ally has thing for Normani.

"Jesus, even married you're jealous," I say rolling my eyes at my best friend. As she's about to reply our pagers begin to go off like crazy simultaneously, signaling that there's an emergency in the pit. We begin to jog down to where we are needed, since I was paged we both know that it has to do with children, putting a downer on the mood.

"Invite your girlfriend," Dinah smirks before walking through the chaotic crowd to where she was needed.

"She's just a friend," I shout over the loudness that is going on down here.

"Dr. Cabello," I hear my name being called and frantically search for the voice. I find one of the interns, I think his name was Luke, standing next to a bed with a child on it. I rush over to the two and begin to inspect the little girl.

"What's wrong, sweetie," I ask, putting my gloves on. I look up at Luke, signaling for him to also tell me.

"Cierra Pane, 8 years old, tumbled down the trail that was being climbed. She's complaining of abdominal pain and she has multiple cuts and bruises, more than likely needing stitches," Luke reads off of the chart that is in his hands before looking up at me, silently telling me that he is done.

"I'm going to press on your stomach and I need you to tell me when it hurts, okay honey?" I ask, waiting for her to nod in understanding. Once she does I start to gently press down on different parts of her stomach area. I notice she winces only once at the bottom of her stomach, signaling that it is more than likely nothing to worry about. Before I can speak I hear my name being called from the opposite side of the room, needing my attention.

"I don't think it'll be anything to worry about, but just in case we'll keep her for a few hours. Get her cleaned up and move on," I tell Luke, hoping he got all of the information before making my way over to where the voice was.

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