Chapter 6

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"Mami, where are we going," Nik ask as he follows me into a building, tugging on my hand to get my attention.

"You'll see, honey," is all I say as we round a corner and all around us are barking dogs.

"We're getting a dog," Nik screeches in excitement. I smile at his excitement and nod my head. He begins to jump up and down before running to the first cage, finding three small puppies in there.

"Hi puppies," he exclaims, trying to stick his hand in the cage.

"Nik, why don't I go see which dogs we can take out. This is the pound baby, not all the dogs are nice enough for you to touch and I don't want you to get hurt," I say before going and finding a worker to help us look. The four year old skips around to each cage, not really stopping at any, that is until he comes to one of the last.

"That's Kori and Gumball," the worker says, obviously knowing exactly what cage my son stopped at.

"Mami, come here," he says excitedly, bouncing up and down in his spot. I walk over to where Nik is trying to fit both his hands in the cage. I see an older looking dog and what looks like a five week old puppy.

"Here they can come out," the worker finally says as he notices how much of a struggle Nik is going through to touch the animals. The worker opens the cage and instantly Nik is falling to the ground from a rambunctious puppy.

"Kori was with a litter of pups, one of them being Gumball. They were in an abusive household, no telling how long it had been since she had ate and luckily the puppies were still on the mother's milk. The mom got adopted along with the rest of the pups quite a while ago, no one wants to adopt Kori and Gumball and they come as a pair," the worker explains to me as we watch Nik petting the bigger dog while the puppy licked his face.

"What types of dogs are they," I ask, already knowing that Nik is falling in love with them both and I could never say no to him. Especially when it has to do with fur babies.

"Kori here is a husky lab mix, which is why she's got those stunning eyes of hers. And the little one is a corgi with what we're guessing is a bit of some shepherd in her. We think it's german but honestly not sure," he says with a shrug of his shoulders. He opens his mouth to say more before taking a nervous glance at my son.

"They're both next on the row," he says loudly enough to turn Nik's head.

"What? Like they get to go on a boat," Nik says confused, stopping to look up at me for confirmation.

"Sure, buddy. Now why don't you keep them company while I fill out all of the paperwork to get them, yeah," I suggest already knowing that he'll instantly agree.

"We can get both of them," Nik says before jumping up and giving me a tight hug.

"Of course we can, baby," I say as he gives me a cheesy smile before sitting back down and petting both of the animals again. I follow the worker out to get everything situated for them to come home with us. Once I get done with all of the legal stuff, Nik and I leave with both of the dogs.

"Lets go to PetSmart and get all of the stuff they need and then we can stop to get a quick ice cream on the way back," Nik excitedly runs to the car with the puppy in his arms as I speak. I guide Kori into the backseat before strapping Nik in and putting a towel down for him to place the puppy on. I drive to the nearest PetSmart and finding the closest space to the front that I could.

"We're gonna go in and grab two leashes real quick and then we'll come back out and get them okay?" I say before ushering my son out of the car not wanting to leave the dogs in their alone for too long. Nik picks out a pink leash with dog bones all over it for Gumball and a plain sky blue one for Kori. We quickly pay for them and I drag him back out to the car, putting the leashes on both dogs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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