unimaginable pain

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Take a moment to imagine the worst physical pain you have ever felt in your entire life. Now imagine double that pain. That pain is now so crippling you can't see straight and your vision is blacking out. You can't breath and everything is closing in. 

Except it's not physical pain. its emotional, and you have lost something you never even knew you had. 

It first started a couple of days ago, I thought I had gotten my period but it was a bit late, usual for coming off the pill a couple months prior, it was very light. which I thought was a nice way to ease into it. Then the day after came the dizzy spells and nausea. Then today.  26 minutes left of today, and out of the 6,628 days I have been alive, today has been the worst of all. Working in hospo ten minute smokos are common, and I was more than happy to go outside and have a pip after a very early start and stressful morning. it had been raining and the smoking bench was soaking so i decided to stand rather than get a wet bum. Halfway through my break, the pain started. Radiating through my stomach, I knew something was not right when I basically collapsed. I still had work to do, so I used all my strength to head back into work and finish my shift. 

An early miscarriage they called it. that's when everything they said stopped making sense. I couldn't breath, I couldn't feel anything except pain. I still feel only pain. 

The tears won't stop. the pain won't stop. 

Here's to the shortest chapter and to the worst day of my life. 

How do I come back from this? The short answer, is that you don't. 

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