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I suddenly felt my phone vibrate and I picked it up out of my pocket with a sigh, assuming that it was my dad. I frowned when I saw that it was a text from Elly. I hadn't really thought about her all day. What could she possibly want? I was still kind of mad at her but I really hoped she wasn't mad at me because firstly she had no right to, I didn't do anything wrong. And secondly I didn't feel like being mad at her anymore. It's not like she did something really, it's more what she didn't do. I mean why didn't she defend me when Zayn said those things? It really hurt my feelings. But I cannot lose her. She's my absolutely best friend.

I guess I will have to talk to her but not now, I have to get home first. I sighed again as I put down my phone. I looked over at Harry who was watching me from his spot behind the starring wheel. I hadn't even realized that he had parked the car in my driveway. He had thankfully agreed to take the car this time. I met his gaze and couldn't help the smile that formed on lips. He smiled back at me, with dimples and everything.

I hate to admit it but I'm really glad that Harry decided that he wanted to be my friend.


I had already washed my face and brushed my teeth and was now lying in bed, ready for sleep. The room was pitch dark and I was lying on my back with my phone on my chest. I still hadn't felt like opening the text from Elly but I was going to, right now. I lifted my phone and unlocked it before I opened my messages. I clicked on the unread text from Elly. I let out a deep sigh of relief when I read what she had written.

"I'm sorry Al. Please call me when you see this. x"

I considered whether I should pretend that I was asleep or call her. I then decided to just call her or else we would only find ourselves in an awkward situation tomorrow, where she doesn't know if I'm mad or not and I not really knowing what to say or do.

I opened my contact list and clicked on Elly and then call. She answered after only two signals.

"Hello?" She sounded groggy.

"Hi Elly" I said, sitting up in bed.

"Oh Al! I'm so sorry about everything I said I don't know what the hell was wrong with me but I know that I didn't mean a single word of those things. I know that I've been a shitty friend lately and I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to it's just been so much at home and with Liam and I just. My mind is everywhere and I'm constantly stressed. But I'm so glad you called me and I really hope you can forgive me" Elly spit out the words so quickly that I almost didn't get them but I'm pretty sure that I heard everything correctly.

"It's Oaky Elly. We have been through much worse than this but you really hurt me you know? I trusted you to look after me the way I've always looked after you. Not jump to conclusions and accuse me for things. And I get that you like Liam, I'm glad you do because he's a really good guy. But I thought we promised each other to never let any guy come between us"

"I'm so sorry Al you know I am but I never accused you for anything. I would never do that, that was all Zayn and you know it. I'm sorry that I didn't defend you but I didn't know any of that. I just thought they left you because they couldn't find you and I was shocked to hear that that wasn't the case. And I was sad to hear it from Zayn and not from you, I thought we told each other everything but now I get it. I understand why you got so mad when I just brushed it off like it was nothing and I'm so sorry for that. I would never have done it if I knew but how would I when I never even asked about anything. Once again I'm truly sorry and I wish I would've beaten that college boy's ass but that Harry guy sounds like a true hero. I'll need to thank him later"

I smiled a bit at the mention of Harry.

I took in everything Elly had said and replayed it in my head over and over. I could hear that she really was sorry and I guess it's true that she didn't know what happened at the party so of course she wouldn't understand what big of a deal it was for me. The first thing you think about when you hear that your friend stayed at the party is not that she could've been raped. She probably thought that I was just having a good time and that the boys couldn't find me or something. In fact everything is Niall's fault. I mean he was the one who told them that I probably wanted to stay the night but it was really hard to blame him. He was only being his happy cheerful drunk self.

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