~Beep Beep Beep~

I hate the sound of my alarm going off so much so I reached for it and turned it off. I glanced at the time and saw that it read '06:45am' why do colleges and school want to wake people up at stupid o'clock? I crawled out of bed and into the bathroom (I have an on suite) to have a hot shower. I just stood under the warm water for a while before actually washing my hair and body. Once I was finished, stepped out, quickly dried myself off then headed back into my room and to pick out a white crop top, dark blue, denim jeans and white vans. I took them into the bathroom with me and got dressed.

Once I was dressed, I walked out and placed the damp towels into the hamper before drying my hair, placing it into a messy bun before applying mascara. This will be my first year, second term at Pharma-Medical Science College of Canada because I graduated High School last year and I got in mainly because I want to be a nurse and save people's lives. I grabbed a slice of toast before I picked up my bag and jacket then I left and drove to school.

When I arrived, I was amazed at how it looked as I always am and it's my second term here. I made my way inside and over to my locker to place my jacket inside and to grab my notepad, pen and books.  As I closed my locker, I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around my waist and I knew whose they were.

I turned around and spoke "Josh, I need to get to class"

He kissed me before saying "I'll walk you"

I took his hand and walked with him to my class which was also his class. Josh is just so sweet and he was even sweeter when we first met and started dating.

~Flashback 1~

I'm kinda nervous as it's my first day at Pharma-Medical Science College of Canada and I don't know anyone. I've always hated the first day of school because it's like everyone knows everyone but me. I was heading to first hour when I bumped into someone.

He spoke "I'm so sorry. H-Here, let me help you?"

I took his hand which was quite bigger than mine.

I spoke "Thank you"

He asked "Whats your name pretty brunette?"

I couldn't help but blush then I responded with "Makayla but my friends from High School call me Kay"

He spoke "Well Maykayla, I'm Josh"

I replied with "It's very nice to meet you Josh"

He then asked "Do you want to maybe go out with me sometime?"

I answered with "I'd like that"

We exchanged numbers and went in our separate directions.

~End Of Flashback 1~

I knew that Shawn would be so happy with Josh and I dating and I remember that clearly as well.

~Flash Back 2~

I spoke "Shawn, I want you to meet Josh..... My Boyfriend"

Josh replied with "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you from Makayla"

I blushed then Shawn spoke "It's very nice to meet you too Josh. I've heard great things about you from Kay"

I smiled then Josh intertwined our hands and I placed my head on his shoulder.

I asked "You are happy for us, right Shawn?"

He nodded then hugged us both. Then I hugged Shawn and whispered "Thank you for being so supportive"

He whispered back "Anything for you Kay"

Josh and I left and I guess Shawn headed back inside his house.

~End Of Flashback 2~

Josh I then entered the classroom but we aren't sitting near each other. He's sitting by the window on the left side of the room and  sitting by the door on the right side of the room. I took down some notes in my book but I kept on getting distracted by Josh who was just staring at me the whole time. How do I know this, I could see it through the corner of my eye. Believe it or not, Josh has changed. He's not the same guy I knew in my first year. We act all happy and like nothings going on but behind closed doors, we fight, he beats me, he drinks, does drugs and has sex with other girls and I allow him because I-I'm scared"

Once the first three hours are overs, Josh and I made our way to the canteen to get some lunch. I like outer relationship because he doesn't pay for me and I pay for myself which is good right? anyway, the rest of the day dragged by and it was finally time to go home. When I arrived home, My Dad was in his room so I walked up to my room and got changed into something comfy when my phone rang. I answered it and it was Shawn so I put it on speaker.

He spoke"Hey!"

I responded with "Hey"

He asked "How was day?"

I spoke "It was good, how's yours?"

He stated "Good"

I was finished putting my hair in a ponytail so I took it off speaker and sat on my bed with my phone up to my ear.

Shawn asked "What are you up to tonight?"

I spoke "Um-I'm going to pack up a few of My Mom's stuff with My Dad why?"

He asked "Don't worry, I'm recording a new song and I thought you'd want to come and hear it"

I answered with "I'm sorry I'm busy. Maybe next time"

He spoke "Defiantly. Bye Kay"

I spoke "Ok, Bye Shawn"

I then put the phone down and grabbed a few boxes and walked into My Parents room and helped My Dad.

I picked up a photo frame from My Mom's bedside table and faintly smiled.

I asked "Remember this?"

My Dad came over and replied with "How could I not. This was the first time we went to Adventure World for your birthday"

I continued "And I was scared to go the big rollercoaster and Mom went on with me"

I placed it carefully in a box along with some of her pictures and once a box was completely filled, My Dad and I placed them in the loft.

A few hours later, we were finally done with the boxes so we sat down and ate pasta which I cooked and I must admit, I'm a pretty good cook. At around 10pm, I was getting pretty tired.

I spoke "I'm going to bed now, goodnight Dad"

I kissed his forehead before he responded with "Ok, Goodnight Pumpkin"

I headed up to my room, closed the door, got changed into my pyjamas before hoping into bed and falling asleep.

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