(A/N: Shawn and Kayla live in a house that has an office)

~One Month Later~

I've been throwing up every morning for the past month which is weird but the even weirder thing is I can't fit into my skinny jeans anymore and I've also been tired a lot and I have no idea why. I decided to wear my non skinny jeans with a t-shirt before checking out how I looked in the mirror and I noticed I'm looking a bit fat. I walked down to the kitchen feeling very hungry. Shawn and I have lived together for a month now so it's nice to be living with him as I get to see him everyday. I grabbed some bread, reached for the peanut butter and pickles then made a sandwich out of them.

When I was placing the pickles on, I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap round my waist and a familiar head on my shoulder. I knew it was Shawn and it made me feel happy

Shawn spoke "Why are you putting pickles and peanut butter into a sandwich again? You hate them"

I snapped "It's called trying something new again!"

The other things is I've been craving pickles and peanut butter but I hate them both and my hormones are all over the place. One minute I'm happy, the next I'm sad or angry then happy again.

Shawn stepped away with his hands in he air and I spoke while crying "I-I didn't mean it in that tone"

He came and hugged me and replied with "Baby, it's fine. All girls are like this when it's their time of month"

I then had a sudden realisation that I haven't had my period in over a month and I was supposed to be last month but I'm late so there's only one possibility and I don't want to believe that... Not quite yet.

I grabbed my sandwich and decided to call Bailey and ask her if I can come over ASAP!

She asked "Hello?"

I spoke "Hey Bails, Can I come over?"

She spoke "Yeah sure. Why?"

I walked out onto the balcony and spoke "Well, part of my 18th birthday, Shawn took me to Paris-"

She cut me off and spoke "Ooh! That's romantic"

I asked "Can I finish please?"

She replied with "Yes, sorry"

I continued with "As I was saying, Shawn took me to Paris last month and we had sex and now I don't fit into my skinny jeans, I'm constantly sick every morning, I'm craving pickles and peanut butter, my hormones are all over the place, I'm constantly tired at the moment and I'm a month late for my period"

She stated "Kayla, have you ever thought that you might be pregnant?"

I announced "No, I haven't. So can I come over and you know, check if I am?"

She responded with "Yeah, see you soon. Bye!"

I stated "Bye!"

I hung up then grabbed my bag before leaving. I stopped off at the store and picked up a pregnancy test before driving to Bailey's. When I arrived, Bailey opened the door and then we walked up to her room and I placed my bag by her dressing table she as closed and locked her door.

I grabbed the test out of my bag, went into her on suite and peed on the stick. Once I finished, I left it in there and set a timer for a minute then walking back over to Bailey's bed.

Bailey asked "What would you do if your pregnant?"

I spoke "I really don't know"

She then spoke "If you are you'd be a great Mom and Shawn would be a great Dad. How do you think you'd feel? if you are?"

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