~One Month Later~

~Shawn's POV~

I haven't left Kayla's side since last month. I haven't eaten, showered, changed clothes or even shaved because I've got a beard coming on right now. Her Dad walked in and looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

He spoke "Shawn, you should go home, get some rest, shower and eat"

I spoke "No, I'm staying until she wakes"

David responded with "Shawn, just hold on to the hope you have and Shawn everything will be alright. I will call you if she wakes up... I promise"

I kissed Kayla's forehead one last time before getting up and leaving the hospital. As soon as I got home, I showered then shaved before getting changed into some clean clothes and eating then laying on my bed to catch some sleep.

~ Two Hours Later~

My phone rang and I was hoping it was good news.

I spoke "Hello, David. What's up?"

He spoke "She's awake! Kayla's awake and she's asking you! Come quick!"

I responded with "I'm on my way"

I hung up and rushed to the hospital. When I arrived, Kayla was facing me and had a great big smile on her face.

I spoke "Kay, you worried me so much! I thought-I thought I was going to loose you. I love you Kayla Bloom"

She hugged me then spoke "You can't get rid of me that easily Mendes and for the record, I love you too Shawn Mendes"

We shared a short kiss. God have I waited a long time to do that!

She responded with "You want to know the reason why I woke up? You"

I took my hand into hers and intertwined them.

I then asked "Kay will you be My Girlfriend?"

She spoke "I'd love too Shawn"

We kissed again but this time it was a little bit longer. I'm happy that I get to call her mine.

She asked "Did you not sleep?"

I shook my head and responded with "No, I sat by your side for a month and today, your Dad told me to go home, eat, shower and sleep. At first I refused then I agreed to it and I got two hours sleep before your Dad rung me to tell me that you were awake and asking for me"

She looked at me in awe. I squeezed her hand. Then she looked horrified.

She asked "W-What about Josh? I-Is he in prison?"

David spoke "Yes Pumpkin. As soon as you were rushed into here, the police were called and he was questioned and arrested for assault to an underaged girl"

(A/N: I don't know if there's a law saying that if girls underage are assaulted then the person doing will get arrested but  for the story, that's possible)

I got to spend the rest of the day beside her and telling you about everything that happened while she was in the coma. Every smile, Every breath, Every glimpse of her made me fall in love with her even more and all over again....


Hey all!

I'm going to be doing two more chapters of this book as I have a new book in the works called:

In love with my teacher?

And yes, it's a Shawn fan fiction! With swear words in!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and how many of you saw this coming????

Let me know in the comments below!


Love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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