we make no promises

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Beep Beep Beep

Beep Beep Beep

Beep Be-


Damn that's the tenth alarm I've broken. Rolling over, I checked the time. Kind of hard to tell when it's all smashed. 6:00 AM. Maybe I'll skipped school today-

"Briayshia get up, your new school start today."

Yep that's my name, Briayshia, stupid isn't. When I'd ask her why did she named me that she said it was perfect for me, than she would look at me with sad eyes and ask me if I didn't like it. Than I would have to tell her no.

"No, I think I'm sick", I said, using my best sick voice.

"Get your ass down her before I come get ya myself", she said, " and dress nice to."

Rolling my eyes, i tried to get up, but my legs got caught in the sheets, and I fell face first on to the floor.

"hey Bri do you mind if i-"

I looked up, and saw my twin brother Brice standing in my doorway.

"why are you kissing the floor?", he said looking at me in confusion.

"why are you in my room", I snapped back.

I tried to stand up but my legs got tangled again and i hit the floor. You would think, since I'm a werewolf i would have better grace, well not everyone is blessed.

"Do you want me to give you and the floor some alone time cause-

''Shut up and help me up," I said getting annoyed.

"alright, gosh."

He walked over to me, than lifted me up like i weighed nothing.  My feet were about two inches from the ground, he placed me backed on the ground when he saw i was glaring at him.

"why are you in my room anyway?"

"o nothing.....," he said rubbing he's neck nervously.

Tapping my foot i was getting annoyed.

"Ijustwantedtoknowificouldborrowyourcartoday" he said taking very fast.

"o, hell no there's no way  in hell I'm gonna let you borrow my baby", I said stepping toward him. He stepped back.

"Please sis there's now way I can let mom drive me to school, she's gonna try to kiss me and stuff like that."

"OK, I'll think... no"

"Please sis'', his voice crack "please"

I closed my eyes i knew what was about to happen next.

"please sis you wouldn't to that to me would ya", his voice cracked again "ya love me don't ya, do you not love  me anymore."

I couldn't help but sneak a peak at him. Boy I shouln't have done that. His eyes were big, full of tears, one finally escaped. his lips were also trembling. damn

"Fine just stop looking at me like that, I thought we only did that with mom"

"ha your pretty soft for an alpha",he said smirking at me.

I growled.

"how 'bout you ride to school with mom,see how much of an alpha you are when your alpha mom kisses you"

"ugh whatever", I chuckled as left my room.


You know how fun it is when you go to a new school, no one knows you, and you ride on a  fresh, black, ninja motorcycle to school, while there is a lot of werewolves and human teens outside on campus. Well that's what I just did.

My motorcycle roaring as I pull up to my new school. Hearing another pretty sound of a car, I turned my head to see my twin brother right behind me, in my red ferrari. Now we had everyone attention.  I found a parking spot and parked there, my brother parking beside me. Hoppign of my bike, Brice got out of my car. I waited before I pulled of my helmet, to add more  suspense,until he stood beside me. While taking of his shades, I took of my helmet. I looked around, yup we had everyone attention, some of the teachers were even looking out the window. I chuckled under my breath.

-talking to my brother in mind-

-do ya see the teacher in the window - i linked

-yeh, quite funny-

I ignored the wolf whistle and cat calls, a few comment here and there. Had to stop Brice from snapping a boy neck. We walked in the office and to the counter, were a women was typing on her computer.

" Um, we're new here do you have our schedules",Brice asked 

The women contenued to type away on her computer, like she did't hear him.Brice glanced at me, but I was looking at the women,who continued to type on the computer. Brice cleared his throat, the women didnn't even blink.

-this women is finna get herself into some trouble, if she doesn't look up from that computer.-(me)

-calm down, it ok maybe its something really important-(Brice)

-I don't care if it is important, we are alphas, this women needs to show us some respect-(I growled)

-don't do anything stupid-(Brice)

-I make no promises-(me)

Jesse, the name it says on the women tag, was still looking at the computer. I was pissed now, I will have my respect.

I growled, loud and deep, made sure I'd put power in it.

Jesse, almost falling out of her seat, tipped over her chair. With fear in her eyes, smiled at us sweetly.

"O, I'm sorry how long have you been standing there",her smile slowly faded as I glared at her.

"Long enough to be pissed of", I sneered at her

-calm down-(Brice)

-shut up-(i snapped back)

"Can we have our schedules", I heard a door open but paid no attention to it.

"y-y-yes, hold on one second", the women started typing on her computer.

"Now Ash I don't want to see you in my office again, am I clear"  A man said,looked liked the principal, was talking to a boy who was standing behind him, but I couldn't see his face-

What is that heavenly smell, I continued to sniff. Brice was looking at me like i was crazy, but I was to busy calt on the smell.

"yes sir, crystil clear, but I make no promises" , a deep voice said, that made me just want to melt.

Wait what, what am I thinking.

"Ah these must be my 2 new students, welcome to Griffen high." He shook both of are hand, but I wasn't looking at him, I was looking at the boy behind him.

"Have you got your schedules" he ask.

" yes sir, there right here," Jesse handed us our shcedule, as she gave me mine, I glared at her.

"well than, I well have Ash show you two to your class", he looked back at Ash and shot him a glare. I almost growled, but held it back, I guess Ash saw something, because he glance at me. God he is sexy as hell, his dark green eyes, black hair. I could see the muscle through his shirt. I looked away

"O, I didn't catch your name." he looked at the both of us.

"Brice, sir", my brother shook his hand again.

"Briayshia," I didn't shake his hand

"well this is Ash, I hope you're not much of a trouble maker as he is," he paused "are you"

I looked at Brice, he smiled.

"we make no promises sir." I smiled sweetly but not at the principal, but at Ash who had a smirk on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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