Chapter 27

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"Do you love me?..." With this kind of statement,he was too speechless and unsure of how the teal head will answer.

Akashi strokes his cheek.

"Do you trust me?" Akashi added.

Kuroko grips on his coat and stared at Akashi's heterochromatic eyes.

"I....I'm not...sure."

The red head's eyes went saddened by Kuroko's reply. Akashi stood up from the chair and embraces him.


Kuroko felt something warm dripping on his shoulder.

"Tetsuya...I want you to trust in me. You can tell me anything that's bothering you...if you're sad,I'll make you happy. If you're sick, I'll heal you. If you feel unsatisfied, then I'll entertain you."

Kuroko brought his hand on Akashi's head and gently strokes it.

"I'm sorry...because of had to go through this. I don't want Akashi-kun to get hurt. I'm sorry if I didn't open up to you. I'm sorry f-for being a coward...and running away w-without a word...Akas-...Seijuro-kun...I'm r-really..s-sorry.."

Kuroko started crying along with the red head and hugs him tightly.

Aomine and the others were just dramatically watching from the sidelines. Kise blows on a tissue and Aomine steals the tissue then blows on it also.

'This is so beautiful....' They thought.

However,when the couple were to focused on one another, Haizaki pulls out a gun and points at them.

"THAT'S ENOUGH! I'VE HAD IT! You think you can live without me Kuroko???! Ha! I don't think so!! After all I was the one who discovered you back then!!! I'll have you in my hands one way or another...even if it takes me another 10 years of imprisonment!!!!!"

He shoots a bullet and hits the teal heads right leg.

Kuroko winced in pain and stumbled on the floor. Haizaki chuckles and continues firing his bullets at random places. Aomine,Midorima,Murasakibara,and Kise kept on trying to dodge the bullets and looked like they were making a new dance trend while they avoided being shot.

Blood started oozing out of the teal head's leg and he cursed on the pain that he was in. He was about to grab his gun from his thigh when he realized that the gun was gone. Kuroko almost panicked and notices that Akashi also disappeared from in front of him.

"Seijuro!!? Oi! Where ar-..." Kuroko was cut off when he saw Haizaki laying on the floor with a gun shot on both of his arm and legs. He assumed that there were at least 20 shots on it. Then he saw the red head that stood in front of the struggling silver head.

"P-Please spare me! Akashi! I didn't mean to-.."

Akashi slammed Haizaki's head on the wall using his foot. The red head made a dark expression. Only the his golden left eye was visible.

"Se-Seijuro! That's enough! He's unconscious now! Stop!" Kuroko tried halting Akashi.

'This is what I was afraid to happen ...'

Aomine and Midorima grabbed Akashi and tried restraining him.

"Snap out of it Akashi!!!" Midorima shouted.

Akashi still had a scary expression,but when he heard Kuroko's voice.

"Seijuro! It's fine now! He's already unconscious...he can't fight anymore... So please stop.."

Akashi calms down for a second.












Akashi was shot on the right chest and he immediately fell down on the floor.

Haizaki was able to shoot him and even smirked.

Kuroko's eyes widened.


Haizaki's life was finally put to end when a shot was made through his head. The floor of the basement was filled will pools of blood.

Kuroko hurriedly when to his fiancé's side and threw the gun away. His tears wouldn't stop falling as he commanded the red head's friend's to contact an ambulance immediately and tried to stop the bleeding. Akashi's eyes were slowly closing as his hand covered in blood went its way to the crying teal head's face.

Akashi suddenly remembers a memory back when he was a child...when...his mother was still present.




"Seijuro...if you were to meet somebody that you will love for the rest of your life...what would their personality be?"

"That's quite simple mother. That person should be able to accept my flaws and my true self,and cares about me truly...for I will trust on that person that he/she will never leave my side until my last glimpse of my beloved's face."





[To be continued]

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