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Alyssa was so tired of being alone; she was so unhappy playing maid for her step-father and step-brothers.  She couldn’t wait until next month when she turned 19, that was when she could start college and have a way out.

They never physically hurt her they didn’t have to; they all were all so large and scary that she didn’t dare object to them. Her stepfather had locked her in the attic once and that in itself had been bad enough.

Her bedroom was in the cold damp cellar and she kept a constant sniffle that made her sound like a cowering idiot, she hated that.

She was so ready for a new start, she didn’t even know who Alyssa really was she had never even had the opportunity to be herself or learn her own likes and dislikes. The only thing she knew for sure was she loved to read fantasy books. It gave her an opportunity to escape her horrid reality

Heaving a great sigh Alyssa climbed out of bed and knew that she wouldn’t get a shower this morning. That was also something she had to sneak to get, maybe she would get time later. Pulling on her clothes she made her way to the kitchen to light the old fashion gas stove to cook breakfast.

She made a noise through her nose.  I mean this is the year 2012. Come on, seriously now?   Old gas stoves was so 1800’s. This family really needed to get a clue and quit trying to live as if they were kings of ole’. She sure as hell wasn’t no Cinderella even though right now she felt trapped in that same story line.

She shook her head at that odd thought and the odd feelings and suspicions it brought with it. Why was she stuck in the same old tired fairytale and why did it always seem that it was all so unreal?

Shrugging it off with the dismissal of wishful thinking Alyssa started breakfast. Her Stepfather, Marshall came into the kitchen first. Cloaked in his royal attitude he usually carried. “Breakfast ready Alyssa? The boys and I have a full day planned we are heading up to see a very important family today. We will be back by nightfall and this place better be cleaned when we get home, don’t forget today is linen day.”

Alyssa rolled her eyes as she turned her back to him to make his plate, “Yes Sir.” She responded appropriately as she turned to hand him his breakfast.

She got all the step monsters fed and on their way, first thing first she ran to the shower and scrubbed herself pink. Not knowing when she would get the chance again, after her shower she threw on an old pair of ratty jeans and a t-shirt. Running down the stairs she grabbed the keys to her old beat up Bug and prayed it would start this morning as she wanted to make a quick run to the book store to burrow and new fantasy for the this week.

Thankfully the little car started with only a small protest, Alyssa stepped on the gas and sped towards town, running into the book store to the section she was looking for. The book owner Horace chuckled, “Alyssa –girl, you better slow down before you hurt yourself. That evil old step-father is no doubt gone for the day or you wouldn’t be here, so I know you have time.” Alyssa couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face at sweet Horace comments. He was such a sweet man and if she knew exactly what she wanted there had been times he had met her at the house and snuck her a book.

Alyssa lost track of time looking at all the exciting titles and trying to choose just one. Horace voice pulled her back to reality. “Ally-girl, you better hurry it is almost supper time and I know u have a whole house to clean. I hate for that evil ass to have a reason to be mean to you again.” Horace words brought a great fear to Alyssa, had she really lost that much time? Oh how would she have time to wash all the sheets now? Her only hope was to change the sheets and hope no one noticed. Running to the counter with a book in hand, Horace stamped her book and she ran outside hurriedly with a goodbye flying back to him in her wake.

Alyssa heart raced and she was panicking about how much time she had spent at the book store “STUPID” Kept going through her head. She knew better than to linger over her own personal whims when she had a full day of chores in store. Speeding down the highway she took curves at a dangerous speed trying to make her way home quickly.  

She never saw the deer until it was too late, strangely enough she couldn’t shake the feeling that he had purposely stepped in front of her.  A look in his eyes as if knowing she would swerve to miss him and run off the bridge. That has to be crazy thinking though she had read to many fairytales because how an animal could be that intelligent was ludicrous.

What strange things to be thinking as her small bug crashed over the side of the bridge that covered the shallow creek that lay below and she watched the large creek rocks rushed up to meet the hood of her car.  Distantly she heard a loud crunch and crash, she knew she had hit rock bottom litteraily but strangly enough she felt nothing other than her still lingering puzzlement over her strange thoughts about the deer.

Then everything went black.

Her next moment of awareness was filled with pure blackness, then images of pink daises and lime roses. The scene flipped to faces of creatures she didn’t have a name for. They had blue skin and feline shaped ears; they had large comical shaped eyes that were bright green. They wore normal clothes but had tails like the feline species also. What was this creature and how did it come to be here in her sleep? Next tiny fairies of every color and size danced before her eyes and then there was nothing but bright rainbow bright lights. What were the visions trapped inside her head and why couldn’t she open her eyes and stop it all?

What seemed like forever she fought strange unexplainable images danced in her head and across her eyes leaving her scared, shaking and swearing that she would lay off the fantasy novels if she managed to escape this. 

Her head started to spin and she started to seriously doubt her own sanity and wonder if she had dies and this was her hell.

Then when she felt she was at the very end of her rope, she felt a small brush over her lips. Behind her eyelids she saw a tall muscled figure but all she saw of him was a blue glow that was a color so beautiful and breathtaking words can never describe and do it justice. I saw this blue aura bend over me more closely and I gasped as I felt his tongue lick over my bottom lip. That must have been the reaction he was hoping for because I then felt his tongue quickly dip into my mouth and tangle with my own before I felt his lips sip at mine and retreat again. My head rose trying to follow the wonderful sensation. Not yet ready to lose the taste or the feelings it pulled out of the deepest depths of my soul.

When I he refused to accept my silent begging my eyes flew open only to connect with the most breath taking face I had ever seen.  He raised a hand and slowly brushed my hair back off my face with a sweet smile gracing his sensual lips. I turned my head and knew instantly I wasn’t in any hospital; I wasn’t in my world period because the colors of this world were indescribable. They were brighter and just more than anything I had ever seen.

I turned back to the handsome face putting off studying him till later; right now I had more pressing questions. “Where am I?” I asked him in a hoarse voice.  You are in your true and rightful world little one, you have come back to us finally and I am your betrothed and have been searching for quite a while for you.”


Where is my little dog cause ToTo we are definately not in Kansas anymore!

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