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Chapter 3

Alyssa wasnt thrilled with this cranky woman that had poked and proded her into a dress that she wouldn't normlly wear but decided it was easier to plactate these people until she awoke from this crazy dream. Myabe she was in a coma and it would all end soon, shrugging it off she decided to enjoy the ride. It wasn't real and she had no idea how to get back to her real life.

Her thoughts were interuppted by a brush being crudely dragged through her long red curls. "ouch" Alyssa grumbled and shot daggers through her eyes at the old woman. Next thing she knew a breif knock followed by the squeaking of the broke her glare to be replaced with a puzzled expression as she watched a older man walk into the room, Maverick following him.

Alyssa looked at Mavrick with a puzzled expression before looking at the older white headed man with him. "Hello Alyssa honey, I know you dont remeber me but my name is Charles. I am the doctor around here and have known u since the day you were born. We are so glad you are home and I just want to take a quick look at you ok?"

Alyssa shook her head in asshonistment and had a look of total confusion on her face. "Why?" Was all that managed to come out of her mouth. "Well dear you have been through quite an ordeal and we would like to make sure you are physically able to handle the stresses we know u are going through and will go through. Its seems that you have forgotten us Princess and we need to make sure you are ready to learn everything just yet."

Princess...that name hadn't escaped her notice but shrugging it off as a pet name she nodded and went to sit in a winged chair in front of the fire. Charles checked her over much as any normal doctor would but then he didnt the strangest thing when he laid a palm over her head and a bright yellow light burst from it.

Mavrick quickly hit his knees before her and leaned over to stroke her cheek. "Shhh my heart. It will all be over in a second and he will not hurt you. I swear my life on this." Looking into his eyes Alyssa could deny him nothing. There was something ih his eyes that compelled her to listen and obey. Closing her eyes she slowed her breathing, she felt him stand and her eyes popped open. Seeing him staning before her as he moved to step to the side, before her brain regestered her actions, she grabbed him hand to stay him.

Maverick paused suprised that she had made a move towards him first already but not one to look a gift horse in the mouth he simply smiled and side stepped to stand beside her, never letting go of her hand.

When the Doc stepped back Maverick shook his silent celebration off and refocused on the man. "She will be fine son," He addressed Maverick. "I see no reason she is not of sound mind and body. She simply doesnt remember and it will take time and patience. " Maverick nodded and Charles refocused on Alyssa.

"Princess, I have brought your mother to see you, are you ready to see her?" Charles delivered the first blow to her mental resolve to go with this dream. "HER MOTHER?"


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