Chapter 2 Denial

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     “You have got to be kidding me.” Alyssa mumbled. Her heart yearned to believe him, but her mind screamed it’s disbelief. She couldn’t believe that someone as perfectly hansom as the man sitting next to her could be real. He had to be a dream, manipulated by her love of fairy tails. She promised once again that if she woke up from this, she would cut back on the fantasy novels.

     His thick, raven hair reached his shoulders. It was pulled back with a cord, leaving the angles of his face bare to her view. The line of his jaw was strong and his nose was straight. A small scar followed the curve of his right cheek. His lips were full, begging to be kissed, but it was his eyes that she was drawn to. His stone gray eyes swirled with deep emotion. Love, happiness, and lust shined from there depths. 

     His loose shirt was plain, but well made. The three buttons at the top were undone, giving a hint to the hard muscles under his clothes. His pants were a series of complicated snaps and buckles along the cloth she had only ever read about. Soft leather boots covered his feet. The sword and sheath on his hip spoke of wealth, along with the hint of gold rings on his fingers.

     She didn’t notice him leaning forward till his nose started to skim the long column of her neck. She felt his breath fan her ear as he whispered, “I can assure you, this is no joke. You are home and we are to be wed in a few days. My name is Maverik, but you may call me husband, or even lover if you wish.”

     Despite his arrogent words, desire bloomed in her belly as his fingers brushed, as light as a feather down her side. He nipped her ear playfully before sucking it into his talented mouth. Each pull on her ear tightened her nipples, making them beg to be touched. She let loose a soft moan as he boldly traced the outer curve of her breast.

     I’m having a wet dream and yet, I’m probably somewhere dieing, she thought sarcastically.

     The thought of her mangled body instantly calmed her pounding heart. She placed her hands flat on his chest and pushed him away. Getting off the bed she was on, Alyssa put some distance between the two of them.

     “All of this is just a dream.” She said with a sigh. She hated the thought that she would wake up to the faces of her step father and his sons. Life would go back to being a hell on earth, till she could exscape.

     A large hand gripped her chin and force her to look Maverik in the eyes. He studied her as if he would read her every thought if he could. With a sigh of his own, he pulled her to his chest and held her tightly, breathing in her scent. She was barely tall enough to be able to place her head against his broad shoulders.

     “You are not dreaming, little one.” He spoke firmly. He tipped her head up and kissed her deeply, before releasing her altogether and stepping back.

     “I’ll send Eloise to help you dress.” He said before walking out of the room.

     She stood stunned, looking at the closed door for a few minutes. His abrupt departure confused her, but she didn’t let it stop her from looking around the stone room she was in. Thick tapestries were hung like curtains, over empty window arches. A few were pulled back to let in some light. A fur rug sat in the middle of the floor under the only peace of furniture, the bed. She shivered as she looked around the bare room. Though beautiful, the space looked like a tomb for the living.

     Maverik stood with his back to the door for several minutes. He was battling his raging lust. He was close to throwing open the door and ravishing his beautiful bride. He wanted to fist his hand in her long, wavy light brown hair as he dominated her full pouting lips. Though she looked frail from lack of sunlight and movement, she had a body that could tempt even the holiest of men. He had never be one to aspire holiness. The first chance she had given him, he let his eyes wander over her shaply legs, rounded backside, slim waist, and apple sized breasts. Her chemise had left little to the  imagination. The material had been so thin, he was able to see the dusty, pink color of her nipples and the nest of curls between her thighs. He wanted to feel her welcoming his thick length into her body. Her warm honey eyes were his favorite feature, though. They held her emotions, like an open book.

     As he walked to Eloise’s room, he thought about what her eyes had told him. She truly believed that she was dreaming. Her delusions worried him, but the sadness he had seen in her eyes told him, she might not really want to wake up. What could have happened to her while trapped in her mind, that she would long for a dream instead of what she thought was reality? He made his decision as he knocked on the door. He would have her looked at by a healer before they traveled to his home. Hopefully it would only be a temporary side affect of the spell she had been under.

     The woman who opened the door looked middle aged, but that didn’t fool him. He knew Eloise was older then anyone knew. She was tall for a woman, standing only an inch or two shorter then Maverik’s six foot height. Her blond hair was just beginning to grey and her dark blue eyes held the weight of years.

     “What?” He ground his teeth at her rude behavior. He had more important things to worry about then her surly attitude.

     “My betrothed will need help dressing.” He informed the seamstress.

     He didn’t wait to see if she did as she was told. He was on the hunt for a healer. Now that he had found Alyssa, he wouldn’t give her up.

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