Chapter 1:

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I always hated change.

It lurks in the shadows-- waiting to follow you when you least expect it. That's when it strikes, pouncing on you like a panther and taking your life into a spiral. Once it has you in its jaws, there's no way out.

My spirit clawed for release, ripping from the inside. Magic in my veins pulsed through me. The kill rush controlled my adrenaline. Power tempted my senses, yet my soul craved to be filled. The emptiness consumed my goals with no escape in sight-- leaving me with no memory of the past fifteen years.

Seventeen. That was how old I was. I couldn't believe how much I changed in appearance but not in heart. The world I lived in didn't change from what I remembered. No one knew what kind of crap I went through to forget everything.

I looked to the clock on the wall, passing 4926 on the way out the door. It was time to test my top recruit. I trained many others, but 6078 was the best one.

"Good luck today, 635202," 4926 said.

"Only wimps need luck." I kept a stern gaze.

"When Zolona trained me, she said a child should always have luck."

"Don't talk about that. Ever."

"Sheesh..." 4926 mumbled. "Just do your job, okay?"

He walked past me.

'I wonder if things are gonna get messy?' If 6078 lost the battle, it'd mean a huge cleanup on my part.

She was the best of her group, but she was sloppier than a ghoul even if her skill was there. Was skill even the right word? A slob was nothing. She didn't leave my trails of blood and dedication. Slobs were shit in my book. I wanted her to lose.

I rushed down the hallway of our black-walled castle, fiery torches lighting the way. The huge red door screeched open.

I knocked on the wall. "Mistress, it's 6078's test today. She might make it."

I was the left hand of my hero, my mentor-- Zolona. She rose from her chair facing the fireplace. A long, black sequined dress shimmered from the flames' light, and her pale skin contrasted against it. Her flowing ebony hair angled towards her face, wavy and out of place. Long, claw-like nails stroked a piece of hair off her forehead.

"You're ready to do what's necessary?" Zolona's voice— sophisticated and British— boomed with control and confidence.

She turned, her glowing red eyes gazing at me. They could pierce through one's soul if she wanted it. They were rose-red, not a blood-red like someone would expect. Zolona could sure as hell make you think otherwise.

I bowed. "I won't let anyone beat that test. I'm the only one who ever has, Mistress Zolona."

She smiled. "Good. We don't want just anybody winning and joining the highest of the ranks. We only have two serums left after all."

"Do you know when she'll be back?"

"Sage? It shouldn't take her much longer, and if it does, she'll have another good excuse."

Sage was an interesting character. We looked up to Zolona, but Sage somehow still expected me to look up to her just because she was Zolona's right hand. I don't know how the heck she expected me to look up to someone shorter than me, but it made me laugh to think about it.

'I wonder what it'll be this time...' a smile crept on my face, but I stopped myself.

Smiling showed happiness. Happiness was a positive emotion, something forbidden, not by Zolona's force but my own.

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