Chapter 1

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Picking up the coffee cup on the table, I slung my bag over my shoulder and pulled out my little daisy necklace. Putting it on, I made my way to the front door. First day in year 11, first day in High School, first day I've socialised in Australia. 6 months ago I moved to Australia to live with my Auntie after a few issues that occured back home in London. Social services gave me time to settle in and supposedly recover from my past. I'm now in Sydney, walking along the pavement towards what could be a hell hole for the next two years of my life. Terrified was an understatement. I had no idea what to expect, I hadn't spoken to a single australian yet so how on earth I was going to understand the accent all day was a mystery to me.

Someone brushed past me and I looked up to see two boys a lot younger than me, running ahead and laughing. I kept on walking with my head down and my music playing. When I reached the school gates I looked up to see hundreds of people in front of me. It felt like everyone was staring straight at me.

At the other end of the corridor I finally spotted my form room. I had spent the last 15 minutes looking for it. Opening the door, I felt 20 pairs of eyes stare at me. "Ah! You must be Melody!" the teacher said from the front of the class, "I'm Mrs. Hilbert, your new form teacher, would you like to introduce yourself?" I already dispised her. I had no choice but to introduce myself. "Um, Hi, I'm Melody and I'm from London." I muttered from where I was standing, I looked up to see peple glancing at one another warily. I stood awkwardly at the front of the class until Mrs. Hilbert realised I'd finished and said, "Alyssa, could you go and show Melody around?" A girl stood up from the back of the class and made her way towards me. She had shoulder length brown hair in loose waves and brown freckles to match. She smiled at me as we made our way out of the classroom.

As soon as we exited the room she stuck out her hand, I cautiously took it. "Hi," she said shaking my hand, "I'm Alyssa, you can call me Ally, and I'm your tour guide today." She said trying to keep a straight face. Giggling, I followed her down the hall where she pointed out random things. "Over there is one of the girl's toilets, but no one uses those ones for actually going to the toilet anymore, they are just for hiding, ya' know." I nodded quietly still not having said anything. After a little while longer of non stop chatter from Ally, she looked over to me and smiled sympathetically. "You seem very quiet. Don't worry about it, everyone here is really nice, well, apart from a few, like Brittany, she's a bitch, but that's beside the point. You'll fit in right away, you seem really nice, even though you haven't actually spoken yet." "Thank you," I replied not able to stop myself from laughing. "SHE SPEAKS!" Ally exclaimed and continued to run ahead chanting it over and over again. I caught up with her still laughing, "Okay, okay, I think everyone gets the picture!" I laughed. She gave me a broad smile and her eyes crinkled as she did so. "Thanks, though, for what you said, hopefully everything will be alright." I continued. "It's okay." she smiled, "C'mon we better get to class, Where's your first class?" I showed her my timetable and she squealed with delight, "We have the same lessons!"  I laughed along with her as we made our way to Maths.

"You know, your accent is so cool, I've never been to England, I would love to go." she whispered to me in the middle of Science. "If I'm honest, there isn't really much to see, it's just rain, fields, rain, more fields and did I mention rain?" I pointed out. "But still, it's just one of those places you have to visit." I nodded in agreement, "It's lucky I've lived there for 17 years of my life then." I saw the look on her face and instantly regretted saying that, "so, tell me about back home then." she smiled. "Oh there's nothing to tell really," I lied. There was a lot to tell, a lot more than anyone could imagine. But that's what I spent 6 months getting over, and I didn't want to be reminded of it now. It ruined my life and everyone around me. I've learnt to hide my feelings. "Oh c'mon! There must be something to tell!" she insisted, I felt the cold necklace against my skin but couldn't bring myself to say anything. "No, honestly, there's nothing. How about you?" I replied faking a smile. "Oh well, I have 2 brothers and we used to live in Perth but we moved over here to Sydney because..." I let Ally continue talking as I tried to take my mind away from the past, I didn't think it would be brought up, but maybe I was wrong.

The smell of school meals was overpowering as Ally and I walked into the lunch room. She walked over to a table where two girls already sat. "Melody this is Sienna and Fern, Fern and Sienna this is Melody." Ally introduced us. "Hi" I waved as I sat down. "Hey!" Sienna responded. "So are you new here? Where are you from? Ooo, I like your accent!" Fern said. "Guys, guys! Calm it with the questions!" Ally said giggling. "It's alright," I grinned, "Yeah, I'm new here, this is my first day. I'm from London and thank you but I think your accents are much cooler." They started chatting and I looked at the people around me.     One girl with long purple hair looked like she was having a serious conversation with a guy sat opposite her whilst anther girl stood behind like she was keeping guard. "Melody?" I heard Ally whisper as she elbowed me softly in the side. "Huh?" "We were just wondering why you moved to Australia." Fern questioned. Her innnocent eyes knew nothing. I couldn't tell them. I shouldn't tell them. I didn't want to tell them. I'd hoped it wouldn't be brought up but how can I not expect questions. People don't just move from England to Australia because they feel like it. Everyone has a back story, and mine was shameful. "Oh, um, my dad got work over here." I told yet another lie today.

"Are you alright?" Ally asked me as we walked out of the school gates on our way home after my first day at school. "Yeah, I'm fine." I weakly smiled in response. Oh Ally, if only I was telling the truth.


so I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, it took an age to write. bit boring but hopefully it well get better soon. also this fanfic isn't based on real life as they aren't in a band and they haven't dropped out of school (as you can probably tell hehe) so anyway comment vote and follow you know the drill. THANK YOU

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