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*Narrator: I forgot to mention this before but in both worlds Mia and Kaity are in a way connected so that's why Mia did not attack her, Kaity can understand her even though she only hears barks (but will soon not be barks to her in this world), and in the Naruto world Mia is able to turn into a weapon and is unbreakable when she is a weapon but she will ONLY turn into one when Kaity wants her to (and the weapon can be any weapon Kaity wants her to be).

-Kaity's P.O.V-

I slowly open my eyes and once I remembered what happened I shot up and saw that I was in a forest, 'where am I?' I thought to myself, then I heard a yawn next to me to find Mia waking up. "Mia you ok?" "yep!" "...." My eyes widened. "Um.... Mia.... did you just talk?" "*Gasp* YOU CAN UNDERSTAND ME?!" Mia barks in happiness. "Uh.... I.... guess....?" "YAY!" "Um.... ok I won't question it. Come we need to find a place to stay.... that is until I can figure out where we are."

Me and Mia started walking threw the woods until we found a big waterfall with stair-like-stones leading behind it. Me and Mia went up the stones and decided to set camp because the sun was going down, luckily the pond that the waterfall made at the bottom had fish so after I made a fire and gathered leaves to make a little bed (well tried), I got a large stick that was flexible. I tied a string to both ends and made a bow but I could not try it out because the sun was all the way down and Mia was already asleep so I went to my little leaf-bed and fell asleep.

-in the morning-

I felt something licking me, trying to wake me up, after a few seconds later I opened my eyes to Mia constantly licking me, when I finally got out of my 'bed ', I continued trying out the bow until I knew it was ok to use. After a while I went to find the perfect sticks to use as arrows, I left Mia to stand on guard so that nothing would, I guess, intrude? I don't know, I just left her there to guard. About an hour or two later I came back with some supplies, I had already made the arrows and they worked well, me and Mia were starting to get hungry so I shot us some fish, cooked them, and ate, we continued like this for about a week now. "Hey Mia, you don't mind living here do you?" "I don't mind, besides this place is better than that alleyway!" "Ok I'm glad because this may be the only place we can live in for now so if your good with it then I'm good." "OK!" I started petting Mia as she rolled on her back, wanting me to rub her stomach. We both soon fell asleep in our new, um, 'home'.

-??? P.O.V-

Gai had taken me out in the woods for another one of his tries to beat me 'key word: tries' after a while of jumping from tree to tree we finally stopped at a big waterfall. "Here we are, so Kakashi are you ready to be beat?" "What, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you, I was reading this nice book." I said coolly leaving Gai, anime crying, but then he stopped when we sensed a chakra in the cave behind the waterfall. We grabbed our kunai knifes and quietly head into the back of the cave to find a little girl and a puppy asleep on a pile of leaves with a camp fire, a lot of cooked fish in another pile of leaves, and a bag next to her. 'has she been living here?' I thought to my self. We put our weapons away then I walk over to her and slightly shook her, she gave a mini yawn before looking at me a questioning look. "Who are you?" she said in a kawaii and quiet voice, tilting her head slightly. "Oh um my name is Kakashi and this is Gai. Um do you live here?" "Yes, me and Mia live here." she said petting her puppy that I assume is Mia. "Hey kid do you want to come with us to the hokages and maybe he can get you an apartment to live in." Gai said. At first she just stared at us before giving a little and slow nod in agreement. She then got her bag (her bag is not the school backpack in the other world, this is a bag that her mom was going to give her before she died and her father did not know about it because she found it under her bed with a note, that's how she knows it was from her mom) and had Mia follow close behind her.

-Kaity's P.O.V-

After a while of jumping tree to tree (the guy with the mask had to carry me but Mia was able to jump the trees herself) we finally arrived to a village, mask guy put me down and we started walking up to the gates, until they stopped to talk with two other ninja. -mini time skip do to the narrator turning into shikamaru lol- When we arrived, green suit guy had already left and mask guy had knocked on the door, "Come in." We went in and there was a man that I assume is the hokage. mask guy bows and says, "Lord Hokage, if your not busy, I must speak with you." "Yes Kakashi?.... hm? I'm guessing it has something to do with this little girl and the dog?" "Yes Hokage, while me and Gai were in the forest, we found them living in a cave behind a waterfall, if you don't mind I was hoping we could give her an apartment or some place for them to live." "Ah yes we have an apartment open *he looks at me* so young'n what is your name?" "My name is Kaity Okami." I said, keeping a strait face. *poof* "You called Hokage?" a guy, that has to be some sort of magician, asked "Ah yes please show Kaity here to her new apartment." "Yes sir." Said the man. We poof in front of a small building, after the Hokage gave me some money and told me about me starting at the academy tomorrow, the magic guy then left and I settled in. I put some covers together for Mia to use as a bed until I get her one later, then I went to buy food and clothes that was needed while Mia stayed home, after that I went back home, filled the cabinets and fridge with food, put my new clothes in a mini wardrobe, when I was done it was sundown so both me and Mia went to bed. 'So this is home. But were am I, I didn't recognize the forest, so I know I'm no where close to my old home. So then what happened after that truck hit us, because when we woke up there was no injuries, it was as though it never happened, but then how did we end up in the forest then?' That was all I could think of before falling asleep.

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