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Eleanor's POV.

"Fine." I said getting up in a tired way.

I walked to the door and closed it. I grabbed open the closet and took out my black leggings, bra, white Tshirt, and my pink sweatshirt that said I ❤ NYC. I opened the door and walked to the bathroom where Louis was still standing from when he called the office. He was texting.

"Who ya texting?" I asked while putting my hair in a messy bun.

"Niall, we are just talking about when the limo comes for the awards." Louis said still looking at his phone.

"Get ready, Mister we need to be at Warmington in half in hour." I said laughing grabbing his waist and bringing him closer to me. He lightly touched my lips and gave me a soft 4 second kiss.

"Okay ill get ready." He said.

I let go and grabbed my tooth brush. I squirted some toothpaste on it and brush my teeth. Then I applied mascara, foundation, and lip gloss. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started texting Dani and Perrie in a group message.

P= Perrie D= Dani E= Eleanor

E: Hey guys! Threw up this morning an feeling a little bit better but Louis is taking me to the doctors so hopefully I can get some medicine so I will be fine for the Brits 2night! :'(

P: Oh sorry to hear that hope u feel better by tonight Elly!

D: Yeah sounds miserable. U must've caught a bug. I hear its been coming around. Just relax and drink water so hopefully u feel better <3

E: Thanks guys If I can't make it Ill be watching at Home!

D: Sounds good keep in touch on how u r feeling.

P: Yeah. Get well El! Hope to see u tonight!

E: Thanks Pezz!

E: don't worry I will.

E: Bye girls.

D: Bye bæ

P: see ya.

I turned off my phone and looked at the clock '10:00'.

"Louis we have to leave now." I said loudly.

"Coming babe." He replied. He walked out of the hallway wearing his gray skinny jeans black jacket and white converse. We walked down stairs to the door were my galaxy toms are. I slipped them on and we walked out to Louis car. I got in the passenger seat.

"Ugh I'm tired." I whined.

"You shouldn't be, you slept for 14 hours babe." Louis said having a giggle after.

"I know but I'm just tired."

We started driving and I turned on the radio. Roar was playing.

"So do you think you can make it to the awards tonight love?" Louis said driving.

"I don't know it depends what the doctors say."

"Yeah I guess."


We arrived at 10:17am. We walked out of the car and Louis held my hand. We walked in. No one was in the waiting room. We walked to the counter.

"Hi I made an appointment for my girlfriend for 10:15." Lou said.

"Louis?" The woman asked.


"Right this way."

"Thank you."

She led us to a woman with a white jacket and her name tag said Jane.

"Hi I'm Jane. I will be your doctor today just follow me right into this room." She said walking towards a wood door. She opened it. We walked in.

"Please sit right there." She said pointing to the little bed thing.

"Okay thanks." I whispered.

Louis POV.

"Okay so tell me kind of the way you have been feeling." Jane asked Eleanor.

"We'll I slept 14 hours last night and I woke up to throwing up but right after I felt fine. And I still feel fine." Eleanor said to Jane.

"Okay, okay let's take your temperature." Jane said while taking a thermometer out of her cupboard.

"Open wide." Jane said. Eleanor opened her mouth. Jane stick it under her tongue. And waited for a beep.

"Your temperature is normal." Jane said.

"Have you two had any sexual activity in the past 2 months?" She asked looking at both of us. I let out a little laugh.

"Um, uh. Maybe about like a month ago. But that's is the most recent." I said.

"Hm. Okay we are going to take an. X-ray." Jane said. Moving this cart with a screen over Near Eleanor. She used this scanner thing and gel on her stomach. Then she zoomed in on her stomach. There was the slightest dot.

"Yep I knew it." Jane mumbled.

"Knew what?" Eleanor said with a worried look.

"Your pregnant." The doctor said.

"What!? She can't be we used condoms." I said standing up.

"We'll condoms only work 97% percent of the time." Jane said.

I looked a Eleanor and she had a look of terror on her face. You could tell she was holding back tears.

"How can you know for sure?!" El asked hesitantly.

"If you zoom in more you see the mix of your egg and his sperm cell." Jane said zooming in closer.

" The baby is about a month and you will probably want to come in for ultra sounds every now and then." Jane said.

"Oh my god." I said standing up and turning around with my hands on my head.

"We'll this is all I can do for you guys." Jane said leading us out of the room. I grabbed Eleanor's hand and grasped it tight. She was shaking. We walked out of the office and Eleanor was closing her eyes. We got in the car and she broke into tears.

Eleanor's POV.


"Babe calm down. We will be fine. We still have 9 months. We just need to stay calm." Louis said holding my hand while a tear rolls down his face.

"Louis. I'm scared. I just so so scared." I said crying.

Yo! So this chapter sucks. But whatever. I haven't updated in a while
. So what do you think Louis's emotion is? Happy? Sad? Scared? Excited? Comment below👇👇👇👇👇

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