Lots of fun

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"Louis started planning all along your first 3 months!" They all said.

"Yay! Thank you guys!" I said hugging everyone. The people that came were:



Leigh Ann


















We all went upstairs and opened the baby's presents first. First from Danielle was a light yellow bag and I opened it up to find a baby blanket and a cute light green baby outfit I'm glad it was a neutral colour and no pink or blue since I don't know what it is yet. Next was Perrie she got me a package of diapers and cute pacifiers that had little sheep on them. Next was Jesy she got me a vibration bed thing. Jade got me baby toys and a baby holder do on you back. Next was Niall and Liam (they shared a gift) they got me a lamb stuffed animal and 2 bottles. Harry got me little with baby shoes, diapers, and 3 white baby outfits. Zayn got me diapers and green outfits. The Tomlinson sisters got me one of those things were you sit in the middle an play with all the toys. And Jay and Dan got me Diapers, a bottle, pacifiers and a crib cover so its comfy for the baby. Next was Mum and dad, they got me diapers, a blanket, and 4 different outfits.

"Thank you guys." I said smiling giving everyone hugs.

"Wait there is one last gift." Louis said.

"Where is it?" I said looking around the room.

"Oh I think I left it in the storage room. Follow me." He said going down the hall and opening the door. We walked in to find a nursery with yellow walls and jungle animals on the walls. With a crib, baby book shelf, toys, rugs, picture frames waiting to be filled, and a changing area. I gasped. Tears draped from my eyes.

"Thank you guys so much!" I yelled hugging everyone for the millionth time. We talked for a bit then everyone left.

"Louis thank you so much in so grateful for this!" I said hugging him.

It was now 10:08 at night.

"Anything for my girl." H said kissing my cheek.

"I'm going to sleep since we have to be at the doctors at 10:00 am." I said walking to the bathroom and removing my makeup and washing my face I also brushed my teeth. I hopped into Louis T-shirt and got into bed. He wrapped his warm arms around me and cuddled me until I fell asleep.


"Honey, we have to get up its 9:00 am and we need to leave in 45 minutes." Louis said softly stroking my hair as I opened my eyes.

"Ugh I'm so tired!" I said.

Hey guys its Kailey! Sorry it took me so long to update I've been busy and haven't got the chance. So what gender do you think it will be? Huh? Tell me below! So thanks for reading! And I love you so yeah. Byeee.

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