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Eleanor POV.

I woke up to my alarm on my phone going off it was 8:00am. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen there was a post it note on the island. It said-

' Hi Eleanor! I love you to the moon and back. I left at 7:00am and will have to spend the night at the Studio because we are behind in the recordings :'( Call me for more info. And there is a waffle in the oven for you and strawberries in the fridge.

Love, Louis. '

I dialed Louis number. It ranged 4 times.

L: Louis

E: Eleanor

L: Hello.

E: Hi babe.

L: Oh hey Elly Bear. Sadly I have to stay the night at the studio.

E: I know I'm sad. I'll tell your sisters you said hi.

L: Please do. I miss you already.

E: I miss you too. Don't do anything stupid with the boys.

L: Don't worry Eleanor Liam is going to be there.

E: yeah. But just please don't be like Zayn because you are dad and you need to be a good role model.

L: Eleanor you are over exaggerating. I'll be fine. I love you.

E: okay Love you baby.

L: Love you bye.

E: Bye.

I hung up and took the waffle out of the oven and put strawberries on it and ate it up it was now 8:30 am. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my hairs and put it in a messy bun and put on mascara, foundation, and gloss. I walked into my room and grabbed my denim shorts and my white shirt from Hollister. I slipped on my light mint green vans. I dialed Lottie's number.

L: Lottie E: Eleanor

L: Hey El.

E: Hey Lotts how are you?

L: Good we are on our way to you and Louis house.

E: haha. Okay are you driving?

L: No! Aha my mum is we are coming down your neighborhood.

E: okay see you soon bye.

L: bye.

I hung up and walked to the couch and set my iPhone on the coffee table. I heard a knock on the door. I walked down stairs and opened the door.

"Hello!" I said smiling and hugging Lottie, Felicite, Daisy, Phoebe, and Jay. They all said hi.

"Okay girls you can go set your bags in the guest rooms." I said with a smile. They all ran into the house.

"Jay how are you?" I said smiling.

"Good how are you? And the baby." She said putting her hand on my baby bump.

"Great she is hanging in there." I said laughing.

"She!? A girl aye?" She added.

"Yep my baby girl." I said.

"Oh are you so excited?!" Jay said smiling.

"Just ready for it to come out, about half way through." I said.

"Okay we'll I have to scoot. If you need to call or something you have my number." Jay added.

"Yes I do." I replied.

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