Chapter 2. *More than good friends*

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Cold winterl air is blowing in my face as I'm waiting  for my mum to pick me up from the airpoirt. I'm sitting on the bench,listening to my Ipod and looking at the people walking by and running around. I was listening to Rihanna.Finally she came.I run to her and hugged her.I've missed her so so so much!

We let go and got in the car,we've talked alot.It's good to have her around,I didn't really see her often and now I have a chance to see her everyday.I'm really happy and exicited.We finally came.She unlocked the door and we got on the house and she took my suitcase straight to my room.The room was very beautiful.It was light purple and had white shelfs and a huge window with a seat next to it.And the bed,huge king sized bed,can't wait to sleep in it.I unpacked my things and got downstairs to eat something,so hungry.As I got in the kitchen,the door bell rung.Who can it be,it's 9 p.m ? My mum got the door.

"Hey Tricia" my mom greeted some woman.She had brown hair,brown eyes and was age like my mother,but looked younger than that.

"Hey Christine"she said.She had these bradford accent,it remainded me of mums.They walked in the kitchen and Tricia smiled at me and I said "Hey I'm Aurora" and offerd my hand.She shook it and said:"Tricia,nice to meet you,your mother told me a lot about you".I smiled and the three of us sat at the dinning room table.We talked a lot,about my dad,Californa,England...I've told them that I'm a bit sad that I had to leave my friends and Justin and that I'm upsed that I have to start all over.They tried to comfort me and told me that I'm gonna like it here it will just take time.They are probably right.I smiled at them.I was about to say sometnig but there was a knock on the door.My mum walked to open them and then I've heard:
C:Oooh hey Zayn,it's was about time,come in dear.
Z:Sorry,I was at my friends place,I kind of forgot,sorry.

I've heard footsteps getting closer,and I was a bit stressed.Why Aurora?

Then he walked in and I was paralized.He was so hot. His hair was black and in a perfectly made quiff,his eyes were hazel with long eyelashes,he had a few tattoos,he wore some white t-shirt along with black skinny jeans and black lether jacket.He had this bad boy look.I guess I was staring because he had a smirk on his face.What am I supposed to do? I quickly said:“Hi!“. He smiled at me and said:“Hello“. His voice was deep and he sounded like he had a cold.I was too attracted.Concentrate Aurora! “I'm Aurora“ I said shily and offerd my hand,he smiled again, shook my hand and said:“I'm Zayn“.The way he smiled,you could fall in love with that smile.Fall in love?! No,Aurora stop it now.Someone interrupted my thoughts,it ws Tricia.

T:Thats my son,Zayn.He goes to your new school.You will be good friends.

She smiled at me and then Zayn sat next to me.

Z:I think will be more than good friends.

With that he winked at me and I blushed.

What did he mean by that? More than good firends?

Oh God please help me!

So guys,I've already updated chapter 2!!!! Please comment,share and vote.It would mean a lot,I'm new at this,hehe.

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