Chapter 4. *Pick you up at eight*

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It's friday and the week is over,finally! I just have 2 more classes before I can go home.The bell rang and me along the other students got into the classroom.
As I was waiting for the teacher to come in,I felt a tap on my shoulder.I've turned around and saw my new friend,Jessica,smiling at me:

"Hey Ari" she greeted me.

"Hey Jess" I smiled back.

"Are you free tonight?" she asked,hoping I was.

Well honestly I am.I wouldn't do nothing more than watch TV and rest because of this first stressful week.I gotta say,it wasn't that bad.I've made new friends:
Jessica;the blonde haired girl,with a stunning smile.She's dating Harry Styles,one of the hottest guys in school.His curly hair is such a turn on.I've only talked to him once at a lunch break,but not so long,he seems nice;
then I've met Stephanie:she's a lovely girl,she likes to party and is such a flirt.Right now she's single.Her brown hair falling down her shoulders and brown eyes,stunning smile and a perfect body.Dream of any guy in the school not doubt;
and there's Lindy:she has this hippie look,she's the nicest person ever met,I hang with her the most.She has curly brown hair,brown eyes and also a perfect body.I've met them in drama class where we were put into a group.I'm really happy we did.
So back to the chat:

"Well I was thinking about watching TV the whole night but,basically I'm free." I laugh.

"Good," she smiled widely "there's this party tonight at Harrys house,me and the girls are coming,so we were thinking do you wanna join?"

"I,I uh,I don't know..." I said looking down at the floor.

"Cmon' please! Why not?" she whined.

"Am I even invited?" I said looking at her with a sad smile.

"Ari are you kidding? Of course you are!!! Why would I even ask you to come if you weren't ?!" She said,slapping my hand.

I smiled at her and said "Okay,but if I get bored or something,I'm leaving!"

"Oh trust me Ari,you won't be bored,Zayn will be there." She winked.

Before I could say anything the teacher came in and the class begone.


The bell dismissed us from classes and all the students headed to their lockers.Everyone was talking about the party.I was starting to change my mind about this.Do I really wanna go?
As I closed my locker I saw Zayn leaning against the locker right next to mine.

"Hey babe,are you going to the party tonight?" He asked while bitting those sexy lips,I would so kiss them.Wait what?! Stop staring! I'm blushing so hard!

I looked to the ground:
"Yeah,I coming.Jessica made me." I smiled at him.

"Oh that's great babe," he smiled widely "pick you up at 8."

With that he started walking down the halls,but before he turned the corner he looked at me and winked.

I should probably hurry home and get ready,it's already 5.53 pm !!!! So with that I've stormed out of the school.

Hey guys,I've finally updated :D Sorry it took me so long but I will be writing more often now :)
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Jessica played by Ashley Benson
Stephanie played by Ashley Tisdale
Lindy played by Vanessa Hudgens

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