Chapter 15

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"How is it that you were allowed to be the head of the committee this year, Philip. You were meant to put your studies above everything else!" Philip's father, Mayor Hubert almost yelled into the phone.

Philip had long put his phone down and on speaker while he scanned through the list of contestants that had submitted an entry for the show.

"Er, father. I'm the one who wishes to still be in this. Besides, my grades aren't falling."

"You're about to graduate. Isn't that enough to tell you to step down from any silly recreational nonsense and face your education?"

"Oh father, you always talk about education, education and more education. I just like what I do. And it's only a one day thing. It's not like I'll be busy for the entire semester."

"You always have a funny way of talking back to your father, Philip."

Philip rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his brunette wisps. "Father, forgive me. You know I don't take pride in talking back, especially when it involves you but I swear if all I do was to read, I might go crazy."

His father sighed into the receiver. "I just want what's best, my son."

"And you've already gotten it. And much more. C'mon, father. I never disappointed you and I never will..."
Philip paused when his brown eyes landed on a particular name. Merida DunBroch.

"I'll talk to you later, father. Do greet Samson for me," he heard as the line went dead as he focused on the name.
"No. Not this silly Scotland chick and her archery business again." He breathed.

The younger boy sitting far at the corner of the room turned his head around, the messy wisps of his brown hair whipping his temples in the process. "Yeah?"

"Were you aware that this...this Merida submitted her entry for the archery performance?"

"Oh?" Hiccup put his glasses down over his eyes and walked up to Philip's table. He leaned over and got a peek of the name.

"No. Never heard of her."

"Darn. She came some days ago, asking me about performing it. But I told her it would be too dangerous as it was in an enclosed area. I thought she'd think twice about it and back off. I guess she's still pretty adamant about it."

"Well, What's wrong with archery? It could be her talent..."

"Her talent could cause a hazard. Worst, a plea for life insurance. We most certainly do not want that." He picked up a pen and carefully crossed her name off the list.

"Don't you think she oughta be informed that you crossed her name off the list so as not to get her hopes up?"

"Wanna tell her? I already did?"

Hiccup looked down at his gloved thumbs. "Uh...nah. Maybe it was probably just an accident that her name returned there. She doesn't need to be reminded."

"Honestly, Hiccup. The students of this school. Look. Look at this Tiana girl. She wants to cook. Cook?"

"What's wrong with..."

"No one cooks on America's Got Talent. They cook on MasterChef. Good Lord, these people."

"So, we're basically narrowing talents down to singing and dancing?"

"And magic. Magic can be involved."

Hiccup sighed. "Really Philip. That's why most people hardly compete in all these talent shows. They're majorly singing and dancing."

"Well, some go into Animal talents. Like making a cat do flips. And art. I'll allow art. Look at Rapunzel and Jane Porter. I'll consider them. But not archery. The only dangerous stunt people pull is on themselves and never on the audience. Like acrobatics."

"There could always be room for something new."

"Of course. Like..." Philip pointed to a name on the paper. "Here's your sister, Astrid. She wants to build a robot. On stage. Really, Hic."

"Like every other one, that's how this talent show's gonna be. Like all the others. Good work, Phil." Hiccup shrugged in sarcasm and walked back.

Philip stared after him, mouth open. I don't get you, Hiccup. I honestly don't. I don't get any of you in this world."

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