2- Your name is?

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Martinus: So what is your name?
You: umh No one Of the world will never ever know :-/
Martinus: well I'm not from the earth then, tell meee
You: well are you an alien?
Martinus: Neii haha but tell mee
Martinus:What is your namee?
Martinus: What
Martinus: is
Martinus: Your
Martinus: name??
Martinus: is
Martinus: Your
Martinus: name?
Martinus: I will stop spamming you until you tell me what's your name
Martinus: PleAsE
Martinus: Just tell me
Martinus: pLeAsE!!!
You: Ah you're so annoying
Martinus: Just tell me plzzz
Martinus: PLEASE
Martinus: Tell
Martinus: MeEeEEe
Martinus: Just
Martinus: mE
Martinus:I'm sorry...;(
Martinus: Are You mad...?
Martinus: I'm sorry
Martinus: I didn't mean to make you mad
Martinus: if you want i will leave you alone..
You: No, it's Alright
Martinus: Are you sure.
You: Ya...
Martinus: are you ok??
You:Not Really..
Martinus: What happened? :(
You: I just have some shit past on my mind right now..
You: Long Story..
Martinus: Oh, I got time though.

Marcuscus.21 is typing...

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