5- Rehearsing

403 7 1

You: Hey HeY U there? i need someone to talk
You: I'm so bored and Annoyed and uGh
You: Oppa! halp
You: Hello?
You: R U there?
You: I'm Bored
You: Did u blocked me?
You:Um r u there
You:I'm boreddd
You: Please
You: Wyd?
You: ok fine be this way.
Martinus: Jeez i was rehearsing... We only started for 5 minutes lmao.
Martinus: And How do U know I'm older?
You: What are you rehearsing for?, Also Because Of the Year on your profile, you're 1 year older than me.
Martinus: oh.. and um We're rehearsing for a play
You: How many members are rehearsing there?
Martinus: Me, another boy and 4 girls
You: ohhhhh
Martinus: I gotta go back to rehearsing :( I'll message you right when we're done!
You: Okayyyy

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