6- Night

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Martinus: HeyyyyyYYYyyyy I'm done with rehearsal!
Martinus: Oh wait it's like 3 am for u..
You: I'm still awake tho.. Lmao, Where do u live?
Martinus: Go sleep...
Martinus: I live In
Norway, Trofors
You: I can't sleep.. I'm also bored and OmG LuCkYyYyYyY!!!!
Martinus: *Virtual Cuddle & Hug*
You: You're such a dork, I luv it.
Martinus: and you're a daeback.
You: Oppa Is sweet afff ;)
Martinus: :) You make so happy
You: So you do <3
You: Gud Night (it's day for u lmao)
Martinus: Gud Night Vanessa

Martinus: Sweet Dreams my love ~ Message Not Sent

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