5 (Ryan Magee)

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warning: oooh i talk about the weed also this is kinda sad lololol ps i wrote a longer version of this with some sm*t so if you want that too pls let me know lmaoooo

A knock on the front door jolts me from my nap. The dogs start barking and congregating in the living room, and my nerves stand on edge. I rush to answer the door, stopping in front of the hall mirror to check the state of my hair. It's sticking up in all directions, but I don't have time to fix it. I walk to the door and look out the small window at the top.

Ryan stands there, his hair slightly wet from the rain pouring down behind him. I open the door, a smile spreading across my sleepy face.

"R-Ryan?" I ask. He barrels into me, hugging me close. I inhale the scent coming from his shirt- cigarettes, rain, and an undefinable smell that only comes with him.

"Hey there, kid," he says into my hair.

"It's been so long... I've missed you so much."  I will the tears to stay behind my eyes, but they leak out anyway.

"I've missed you too," he replies, planting a kiss to the top of my head.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, pulling reluctantly out of the hug.

"I wanted to come visit my family... and you." He replies, letting go of me.

"How long are you staying?" I ask him, my voice slightly cracking.

"Three days." I frown. He walks in farther and closes the door behind him. We walk into the kitchen and I make two cups of hot chocolate. It was always our thing. Hot chocolate and movies every Friday night.

"Three days isn't long enough," I say finally. We're sitting on the couch, my legs extended over his lap. "Especially if you're gonna spend time with your family too." He frowns, his eyes scanning my face sadly.

"I know. But all we can do is make the best of it. We've stayed best friends even with me moving away, haven't we?" 

We proceed to smoke copious amounts of weed until the basement is lodged in a cloud of smoke. 

"Do you like LA?" I ask. "Really?" He shrugs, dipping his head to one side.

"I guess. Would be nicer with you there, though." He smiles sadly, like he really means it.

"I mean having your best friend with you when you move is pretty much the dream." I say. We've gone from being perched on opposite ends of the couch in the basement to laying down in my bed, gazing up at the stars through my skylight window. 

"Yeah," he replies. I cough a few times, then I sit up to catch my breath. He pats my back, and when I lay back down, he scoops me up so I'm laying on his chest. I wriggle around so I'm more comfortable, draping one leg over his. His arm falls lazily around my waist while he plays with my hair in the other hand. 

"I miss this," I say plainly. I feel him nod, and I'm oddly comforted by his slow breathing. 

"Me too, kid." He kisses the top of my head, and I close my eyes, content with my current situation. 

"I wish you could stay longer." 

"I love you." 

My eyes widen immediately, despite gravity having other plans. I turn to look at him. Although the rest of the world is spinning, he's in perfect focus. He's looking down at me, his lips slightly parted, his eyes half-lidded. 

"Sorry, what?" I ask, thinking maybe I heard him wrong.

"I love you, y/n. I couldn't leave without telling you." I sit up next to him. He's still laying down, but his eyes stay trained on me. 

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