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After asking around for almost the entire lunch period, we finally found someone who knew Ian and told us he always spent lunch in the same place: the library

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After asking around for almost the entire lunch period, we finally found someone who knew Ian and told us he always spent lunch in the same place: the library. Sure enough, in the back corner of the library, sitting alone at one of the small tables, was Ian. His face was buried in a copy of Catcher in the Rye, but his mop of brown hair was recognizable enough from the yearbook picture we were going off of. 

I approached the table but he didn't seem to notice, too into his reading. "Ian?"

He lowered the book, finally giving us a look at his face. His brows furrowed as our eyes met, his gaze then shooting to Jade and Roy, who were standing behind me. 

We-- more like they-- came to the conclusion that I'd be the best one to convince him. Roy said that "a hot girl" talking to him was our best hope. Jade argued that she wasn't much of a talker, and as a result, I was left to take care of business.

"Yes...?" His response was heavy with a southern drawl, making it obvious he wasn't from around here.

"Sorry to bother you," I said, sliding into the seat across from him. "We just wanted to ask you something."

He let out a breath, sliding a bookmark into his book and closing it before setting it on the table. "Okay, shoot."

"Are you in a group for the competition?" I knew I didn't need to elaborate-- there wasn't a student at Rutherford who didn't know about The Seven's competition. After what The Five Capers pulled that morning, even all the staff knew about it.

He squinted, eyes shifting between us. "Don't you think it's a little late to start?"

"We already have started. But we're having trouble with our first challenge, and we think you can help us."

"Let me guess." He pursed his lips, a beat of silence passing between us.  "You need a key."

"Other people have asked?" Roy questioned.

Ian shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "No, but that's about the only thing anyone could need me for."

I tilted my head, trying to get a read on him. He wasn't making it easy for us to know if he was willing to help or not.

"So you're already in a group," he repeated, "you're on your first challenge, and you need a key. So you send over a cute girl in an attempt to butter me up, get me to help you."

Roy scoffed, but then frowned, shrugging and crossing his arms. "Well... okay, yeah."

"One question," his gaze shifted to me, "If you're a group, where's your fourth?"

"He's... sitting out of this challenge," I explained.

Ian nodded, seemingly contemplating something. "Okay. I'll help. But I want in."

"In the group? Consider it done," Roy concluded.

"Can we do that?" Jade asked.

Roy froze, turning back to Ian. "Consider it considered. I'll try messaging The Seven right now."

"So who's the elusive number four, anyway?" Ian asked, tucking his book into his backpack. I checked the time on my phone and realized lunch was about to end. Hopefully, The Seven would reply before it did.

"Uh, his name's Daniel. He's my boyfriend."

Ian raised an eyebrow. "Huh. Does he know your friends," he nodded towards Jade and Roy, who were hunched over his phone, totally oblivious to our conversation, "are using you as bait?"

I grinned, shifting my gaze down to the table. "Was our plan really that obvious?"

Ian shrugged. "If girls usually came down and sat next to me, I probably wouldn't be sitting alone, in the library, reading in the middle of lunch." 

"Okay, The Seven are allowing it." Roy slid his phone onto the surface in front of Ian. "Just send your account name and you're added to the group."

Ian picked up the phone, but his thumbs hesitated above the touchscreen. He looked back up at us. "What exactly is this challenge, anyway?"

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what do you think of Ian? 🤠

are you surprised the seven are letting them add a member? ♣️

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