Chapter One

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Total silence.

That was all there was after Rose Quartz left the courtroom, just echoing, throbbing, terrifying silence that seemed to consume Yellow Pearl's ears. The Diamonds, who only a moment ago had been desperately trying to stop Rose from getting away, were now frozen in shock and denial. Yellow Diamond, for all her lusty beauty and magnificence, had her long neck stuck out at an unnatural angel and her eyes as wide as the great shield that Blue Diamond summoned for her weapon. Blue Diamond, for her part, was also still, but for her trembling hands and shaking shoulders. Yellow Pearl knew that Blue would soon be sobbing, and she wished that she could leave so that she would not have to experience the uncomfortable sensation of someone else's tears springing to her own eyes. Of course, Yellow Pearl would never dare. She mustn't leave Her Diamond's side, especially now, or she would pay for it later.

"We- had- her!" Yellow Diamond screamed, suddenly enraged. "We had her- right- here- and- she- got- away!!!" If both Diamonds weren't already standing, Yellow Diamond would have leapt to her feet. Noting the furious look on her Diamond's face, Yellow Pearl wisely slunk into the shadows of Her Diamond's throne. She knew from experience that when Yellow Diamond was mad, she would not hesitate to take it out on anything or anyone. Yellow Pearl quietly looked away, praying that she would not be noticed.

It was a simple yet grand courtroom she found herself in; high, sparkling ceilings, fancy marble pillars, and two Diamond sized thrones. The hole that Blue Diamond's Palanquin had ripped through the wall during Rose Quartz's escape gaped, showing a grand view of a city bustling with spaceships and skyscrapers. The color theme of it all was, of course, yellow, seeing as this was Yellow Diamond planet. The gems of the two Zircons, poor idiots, lay on the floor. No one bothered to pick them up. Yellow Diamond paced with rage around the courtroom, ranting, coming very close to stepping on the two of them. Yellow Pearl hoped that they would not reform now. If they did, they would probably be shattered for suggesting that one of the Diamonds had broken their own sister. If they didn't, then there was a chance that they would be forgotten about, and they could give up their careers, sneak out of the aristocracy, and try to find use for themselves in the slums. At this point, that's the best they could hope for. Yellow Pearl also noticed Blue Pearl standing, at the base of Blue Diamond's throne, in her usual pose; head down, arms clasped together in front of her chest, eyes closed and head bowed in submission. As Blue Diamond's Pearl, she was safe from Yellow Diamond's rage. Even as Diamonds, to whom most rules don't usually apply, it is a great offense to go after another's Pearl. Blue Pearl was protected from Yellow Diamond, at least. Sadly, the same could not be said of herself. Yellow Pearl slunk deeper into the shadows.

"Why did you kill the Zircon?" Blue Diamond asked, her voice squeaking, making it obvious the effort she was making to hold it together. "He was making sense... he could have been on to something..."

"Lies" Yellow Diamond snarled "The desperate lies of a desperate fool! She shall be shattered for this! They both will!" She stormed, eliminating any chance that the lawyers would survive. "We have bigger problems, Blue! Pearl!" Yellow Diamond ordered in the same breath. "Get some gem trackers out there! I want Rose Quartz FOUND! I don't care how!"

"Yes, my Diamond!" Pearl responded, glad of an excuse to leave the room. She fled through the main entrance, moving as fast as she could without actually running. As she left, she heard Blue Diamond burst into tears (It was inevitable) and Yellow Diamond begin to scream for her attendants. Yellow Pearl did not look back.

Yellow Pearl knew that her mission was important- she had never seen Yellow Diamond this angry, and if she wanted to avoid a beating tonight she knew that she had better do what she asked. It shouldn't be too hard- Rose Quartz had been brought here in Aquamarine's ship, meaning that Rose didn't have a way off the planet. Yellow Pearl would put all the ships on lockdown, and then it would only be a matter of time.

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