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They flew out on Jasper's ship once all the Pearls from the camp had been safely transported off-world. Coal, Lean, and the other rebels that had stayed behind until the very end went with them. No one had seemed very surprised to hear that Yellow and Blue wanted to join their ranks- in fact, they'd already been planning on it. When Yellow had told Coal about their intentions, she'd just rolled her eyes and groaned. "Yeah, no duh." She'd said. "Why did you think we were saving you a place on the ship?"

Lean was the exception. When she'd found out, she'd given them both tearful hugs that hurt more than Yellow was willing to admit. "I'm j-just so h-happy." She'd sobbed. Lean had been crying a lot lately. Ever since she had found Topes' gem shards scattered across the battlefield, there seemed to be a constant stream of salty water leaking from her eyes. Topes' death had brought everyone down, really. Even Coal was less snappy than she usually was. Still, Lean had been hit the hardest.

"How're you holding up, Lean?" Yellow asked as she came and sat next to the Topaz. Coal sat on Lean's other side, staring out the widows of what used to be Jasper's ship as Blue steered them away from Riebes. A few more gems littered the small space, chatting quietly.

"I'm doing okay." Lean responded. "I'm glad to be going."

"Good, good. I have something for you." Yellow blurted out, before she could change her mind. She turned to look at Coal. "For both of you." Before either could ask what it was, Yellow took a deep breath and pulled Yellow Diamond's envelope from her shirt.

The wax seal had chipped off almost completely and the paper itself was more of an ugly brown than its original white. The edges were ripped and torn, and one entire corner was missing. It was dirty, and bloodstained, and crumpled beyond belief, but it still looked like the letter inside would be readable.

Yellow held it out to Lean, who accepted it, new tears beginning at the corner of her eyes.

"Your letter." Lean whispered, holding it like a treasure. She understood its significance.

"It might be a bit dirty." Yellow said. "Sorry about that." On Lean's other side, Coal snorted.

Lean looked at the letter with something akin to wonder, but hesitated. "Yellow-" She started, looking unsure, but Yellow cut her off.
"Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it." She told Lean sharply. "That letter isn't mine. It wasn't mine in the first place, and I'm tired of lugging it around. Besides, I want to see what's in it, I've been dying of curiosity."

Lean nodded mutely as Blue walked over and sat down next to Yellow, slinging an arm around Yellow's shoulders as she did so. "Um, Blue?" Yellow asked uncertainty. "Who's flying the ship?"

"Autopilot." Blue said cooly. "It's a fancy ship." Her hair was tucked behind her ears, putting her eye on full display. She kissed Yellow's cheek. "I couldn't miss this. You're not the only one who wants to know what's in there."
"Took me long enough, huh?"

"You took exactly as much time as you needed. Which was a lot."

"Hey!" Yellow protested lightly. She nudged Blue's shoulder, then stopped to tuck a loose lock of hair behind Blue's ear. "Have I ever told you how pretty you look with your hair pulled back?"

"You know," Coal broke in irritably. "It doesn't take most people this long to open an envelope."
"Right, sorry." Yellow said, going pink and turing to focus on Lean. "Lean, go ahead."

"Topes would be really happy about this, you know." Lean patted Yellow's arm affectionately. "She'd be proud."

"Just open it." Yellow told Lean, not unkindly.

With shaking fingers, Lean broke the seal.

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