Chapter 1

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I walked down the wide sidewalk pulling my coat tighter to keep me warmer. With each stride I took, the air was so cold it felt like it was piercing my skin. I turned the corner next to an empty road lightly covered with white snow. I walked up to the apartment spinning door, and hurried into the large lobby.

"Mail for you, Ms. Willa," Donny, the front desk clerk, said to me while handing me a stack of mostly bills and junk mail.

"Thanks, Donny. Have a good night," I replied with a slight smile.

I stepped on the elevator with a few other residents in mostly silence besides the almost incoherent elevator music. I got off on the 7 floor and walked down the hallway to my room.

I threw my coat, gloves and hat on the coat rack while sliding off my boots. Shivering from the cold, I decided to make a cup of coffee and turned the small tv on in kitchen to watch the news. The news reports went on and on about Israel and the missing plane in the Pacific. I listened to one blonde woman talk about her theory on where the plane went down and sat sorting my mail right as my phone rang.

"Hey, Vanessa!"

"What are you doing tomorrow night," she asked me.

"Nothing that I know of, why?"

"At Bar Foods there's this band playing and apparently they're pretty good! They aren't very big, but Will and Daniel are going! And I know you and Daniel really hit it off last time."

Truthfully, I though Daniel was an ass, and too into irrelevant things like football and his hair. He acted like those jocks in high school that couldn't keep up with their head if it wasn't attached to their body.

"Yeah, sure I'd love to come," I lied.

"Great! Pick you up at 6?"

"Yeah, see you then!"

I hung up the phone, and collapsed on one of the bar stools. I really don't want to go nor do I want to have to be around Daniel. The timer on my coffee maker went off, so I poured some in a cup with caramel creamer. I grabbed a blanket and went to watch a movie in the living room to forget about how awful tomorrow night's going to be.

I fell asleep on the couch, and woke up the next morning to a bang from above me. There was music and loud thuds coming directly above. I rolled my eyes at the sound, and went to take a shower. I turned the water up to the hottest possible setting, and climbed in. The hot water pierced my body with each droplet. I pushed my hair back and ran the strawberry scented shampoo through my hair. I honestly had no idea how long I was in there, but I felt so wrapped up in what's going on in my life I couldn't think straight. I have harder classes this semester, the snow still hasn't gone away, when am I going back home to visit, and what am I going to do about tonight. I finally stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel and brushed through my hair before putting it in a wet bun. I walked into my bedroom, and grabbed a pair of dark skinny jeans and a loose fitting Nirvana tshirt. My hair fell out of the loose bun I had put it in, so I brushed it out and blow dried it. It finally fell in straight, blonde locks down my shoulders. I grabbed something to eat and left the house after putting on boots and a jacket.

"Now class, your assignment today will be to write an in class essay about your life. What would you like to change about it and what would you like to keep the same," my professor said to us.

I picked up my pen and pulled a sheet of paper out of my binder. What did I want to change about my life? My family is amazing, I have the best of friends, and I go to a great school. Do I want more adventure? Do I want to do something else with my life? This is too difficult. I put my pen to the paper and just wrote. I realized by the time my professor called time, I had written a page and a half. I read back over my work.

"My life is beyond perfect; I have a wonderful family, the best of friends, and I go to a fabulous school. But my life is boring. I do the same thing everyday. I wake up, take a shower, go to my classes, get lunch, go to work at the skate rink, and I go home. Everyday. The same old, same old. I want adventure - more crazy unplanned events. I want to meet someone who wants to take adventures, and wants to turn his life upside down. (In a good way, of course) Honestly, someone so different that me. Someone who takes me out of my shell. I want to take a road trip down the east coast, and go to every beach along the way. Or get on a random plane and find out where it takes me. My whole life I've been sheltered, and I feel like I should break free."

Hi!!!! I really hope y'all like it so far!! I picture Willa as AnnaSophia Robb, btw! (LOVE HER) I will try and update twice a week now that I have 3 days of school left! Please vote and comment! xoxo

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