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"NOOO̕Ǫ!". "YES!". You start laughing as Malo falls onto you. She pushes off,"Only beca͞use̛ y͡o̡u f͡ri̕k̵i̴n̢ ̡H̀IT͠ me!","I know,thats why its funny". Malo sighed.

You 2 were playing against eachother in Forza. The score between you both was tied,just one more game until the victor was decided.

You both were very concentrated. Last lap and almost at the finish. Malo overtakes you,but you catch up,passing her. She gains speed and you both are head to head. Almost at the finish,you decide that the only way you will win is to knock her off track. But as you're about to do so,Malo hits your car as if she read your mind. "What?!,No!-Y̢ES!". Malo passes the finish line,and falls to the ground in celebration. "I͢ w̶o̢n̢ I͢ ̢wǫn ̴I ̢wòn!",she kept saying as she kicked her legs up. You sighed,but still couldn't keep your eyes off her,parts. Since she was naked,her "Private Areas" were showing. So you couldn't help yourself and your eyes just rolled to the slit between her legs. Its been pretty hard to get used to that. A pretty.. Hot monster with massive boobs,a fat ass and a vagina,walking around your house just minding her business. When you go to sleep,Malo would usually be like a clingy canine and sleep right next to you,sometimes getting closer and holding onto you. You always felt uncomfortable when she did that,and it seemed that Malo knew. She would tease you when she slept with you. So it was pretty hard to sleep with massive furry breasts purposely squeezing into you.

Malo sat back up. She stroked her stomach and yawned,"I͏'̛m̶ ̛hu͠n͠g͡ry". You looked at her,"Well,what do you want?". She thought about it for a minute,then asked,"Úm̀.. W̧hat̕ p̀la͘ce̕s d̷o ͜you ̷g̛uys ͏háv͞e hęre?". You listed all the places you guys could go,and explained what they were. Malo made a displeased sound,"I do̕n͠'t kn̛ow͞,̧t̛hey̢ a̡l̴ĺ ͠sound ͘s̨o ͡goód!". "Well I guess just tell me when you decide,I'll be downstairs". And with that,you left. Malo thought about it for a while,then she finally decided. She went downstairs and said her decision,"Ste͠ak And ̷Sh͏a̢k̸e". You both were in your car driving to Steak And Shake. Malo was fiddling with the radio and all the other buttons in thr car. Turning the AC all the way up and putting her face in front of the fan,but you didnt mind. She sat back up and chuckled,"I̶'m ̷so͝r͜r̕y͢,̀I̸'v̶e j͏ust ne͠ver ́b͞e͜en̶ in͟ a͝ c͟aŕ b̧efo͜re̕". "Its fine,I figured that this would really be new to you". "Y̴e̡a I ̀n͝eve̡r ͝r̶eal͠ly̵ expecte̵d̶ the̢ ̷ins̵ide̛ òf a̸ c͝ąr͡ to ̧be ̵so.. Cool!͘,you̧ ͢c̡ąn̷ pla̴y ͠musi͞c,͝ràise͡ ͝and lo͠wer ̴your s̕e͢at,̸and.. ̨YO̡U CA͟N͟ ̵OP̨EN ͘TH͝E ̴W͢INDOW?!". She of course said when she pressed the button. It went all the way down,Malo stuck part of her head out of it with a big smile on her face. You knew No one else could see her so you just sat in with the amusement your getting from Malo being so impressed by your car. She stuck her whole head out,and then a little bit of her body when she pushed herself up with her arms. The wind made her hair fly back and her ears flap. She got back in the car. "Ẁh̢y̧ d̡ont̷ ̵pe͟opl̢e̷ do ͟that̀?,t̕h̀a̕t͢ wa̢s͏ s̕o̢ a̛maz̴i͢n̷g!". You chuckled,"Well.. We arent allowed to". Malo was shocked by that,"W̡hat͏?,̨t̵h͡at's͘ ́s̷o͡ ̵ḑum̛b̨.. ̶I f͢eel liķe ̵th̢e͘re'ş a͠ ̀rule ͞for̴ ̶a̸n̵y͜thing͟ ́fun n͢ow̴ad͢ays.̷.". You sighed,"Well at least your lucky,nobody can see you". Malo calmed at that,"Y̧ęa.. ͢I g̡u͘e͘ss͞ ͠I͝ g̵ot̸ ͢t̨ḩat͏ fo͢r me". You stopped at the light. Malo's ears perked up when she caught attention of the song that was playing. It was The Hills,by The Weeknd,and Malo was really enjoying it. "I r̡eaĺl͘y͝ like t͘his śon͟g̛!". The hook came in,Malo loved it,but thought about it. "C͘a̸l̷led̵ ̛y̷ou̴..̀". She glanced over at you,then looked back into the window. She smiled,rolling her eyes in your direction. "No.̕. ̨T͘ha͘t w̕o̢ul͟d̨ ̨be̡ wei̧rd̢..". She gulped,looked at you and then turned back again.

You two arrived at Steak And Shake. Malo says that it will be fine to talk to her inside since her image to other people in public places like this is just a girl,Apparentally somewhat as hot judging by some small glances.

"Ḿmmm̸!̧,t̛his is̢ s͢o ̀g͞o͡od!". Malo got 2 steak burgers, a soda,and fries. She was destroying the steak burger from your view of her,using those canine teeth to rip it apart. I guess it never came to you at this point,but she could literally eat you if she wanted to. "I̸'̨m g̵l̡ad̕ ̨i̸ c̵h͏os͞e t̡his͠ ͟p͞lace̵!,e͟vèr̕y̶th̀ings şo̕ ͞g̀o̴o͘d͘!̨"."I can tell,your eating it so fast". Malo took another bite and swallowed,"Y͠ea, ̨m̷ayb̧e̵ i͟ s̀h͘oul̢d͘ ̴şl͞ow d͞ǫwn͞".

Malo finished all her food and was resting slanted on her seat with her hands on her belly. She opened her eyes,"I s͏ti̶l̕l ̕fe͏èl hun͡gr͏y". You were still eating your food,so when you heard her say that you choked. You swallowed,"How are you still hungry?". Malo smiled embarrassingly,"I͠'̴m̴ ̶so̸r̴ry̕.̶. I ̛ha͠v̧e ̛a̡ ̶bíg ͜s̛t̢o͏m͜a͟ch..". She sat up,"A͢re͟ th͟e͜re ͘m̢ilk͘s͡haḱe͠s̴ or so͜m̵ething ̀sin̷će i̢t̵ś s͏te̛ak͏ and s͝h̸aḱȩ?". You ate your last bite,"Yea,theres also Ice cream"."W̷h̀a̡t͏s̕ ͏I̷c͞é ̨cre͢a͝m̨?"."Its pretty much this really cold cream that comes in different flavors thats on a waffle cone". Malo smiled with her ears perking up,"Th̨at so͝un̷d̀s͞ good,I guess.... I'll have strawberry".

You got her ice cream for her,strawberry with black sprinkles incasing the creamy treat. Malo took a lick,another,and another. She started going faster (No Sexual Imagery Intended) and had a delighted expression. "Th͝i͘ş iş good!".

You guys left,Malo still going at her icecream. You both got in the car. Malo almost lost the cone when she closed the door. "Don't drop it". "I wont͞ dro̧p͡ it". She had a napkin to keep the dripping at bay,but you hoped that you wouldn't go over a bump and the icecream would fly out Malo's hand.

You guys made it home happy and full. Malo finished her icecream along the way. You opened the door,Malo walking in first. You let her though,she smiled back at you,ladies first. "T̀hank̸s f͏o̴r͠ tak̕ing me ţo̶ S̶t͟eak̴ An̶d Shak̀e (Y/N),͟I l̶oved̢ it̷". You locked the door,"No problem". Malo fell on the couch and turned on the tv,you went upstairs to take a shower.

You changed your clothes and went back downstairs. You went up to the couch Malo occupied,she was asleep. You turned the TV off and got a blanket. You placed the blanket over her,and turned the lights off,then went up to your own bed.

Female SCP-1471 x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now