Pennywise x Reader: Take Care

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     You were laying in bed, you were sick. you hated being sick! You coughed violently. Your friend soon came in. As weird as it sounds, your best friend is clown. least um.. takes the form of one. "Hello Pennywise." You groaned. "Heya (Y/N), why so glum?" He asked, knealing by your bed. "I'm sick, that's all." You sniffled. He nodded. "I'll get you some medicine." He got up and left. You smiled and looked at your hands. You remeber when you and pennywise first met. You were a child, and a lonley one. You would run around in the sewers for fun. That's when you met pennywise. He tried killing you and eating you at first, but you actually thought he was cool. He soon noticed you were diffrent and you two became close friends.
     Now, you are a young adult. You needed no one else, but Pennywise. He was there when you needed him and such. Like now, he's taking care of you, when your sick! You know you've gathered feelings for the clown. But, he was your only friend! What could you do? Soon, Pennywise came back into your room with some medicine. "Alrighty (Y/N), I got your medicine." He chirped. He knelt by your bed again and handed you the medicine. "Thanks Penny." You smiled before taking the medicine.  You scrunched up your nose in disgust. "Yuck." You stuck out your tongue for a moment. Penny chuckled at your behavior. "Your adorable (Y/N)."
     You blushed a bit. "No, I'm not!" You defended. "Don't lie." Penny replied. "Your the one who's lying." You crossed your arms. "But you are adorable, I could just eat you up!" He teased. You recoiled in disgust. "Don't say that, ever again." You laughed it off. "Okaayyyy, anything for you." He grinned. You blushed and rolled your eyes playfully. You scooted over on the bed and patted the spot next to you. Penny gave you a questionable look and you nodded. He got up and sat next to you. You leaned your head on his shoulder. He blushed slightly. "Penny, I'm tired." You stated. "What do you want me to do about it?" He smirked playfully.
     You shrugged. "I don't know, lay down and sleep next to me?" You said. "Oh, alright then." He said, shifting and laying down. He turned on his side and faced you. You stared into his eyes. "Can I tell you something?" You asked. "I don't see why not." You nodded, then you blushed. "Um..well..I have feelings for you." You managed to say. "What kind of feelings?" He asked. You knew he wanted the specific anser. You also knew he knows that your embarrassed. "I love you!" You said, really flustered now. He chuckled and kissed your forehead.
     You felt your face burn up. "Well, my dear (Y/N), I love you too." He confessed. You were blushing alot more than before. You hesitantly wrapped your arms around him and snuggled into his chest. He then returned the gesture and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Does this mean you could be my 'girlfriend' now..?" He whispered in your ear. "I wouldn't mind." You replied, smiling. "Good anser." He replied. You then coughed again, being sick. "Just remeber to take care of yourself." He chuckled.

Yeah.. I know this is bad, most likey because I'm writing on my tablet instead of my phone. So.. yeah. You can imagine either pennywise for this. Your choice, so. Yeah. Hope you liked it.


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