You're upset

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    You were very depressed today.. Your mother had started drinking, and would yell at you. She yelled at you for breathing the wrong way! litterly! she's that drunk! You had enough, you got your stuff and ran to Bill's house. you knocked on the door and Bill ansered. You immediately threw your arms around him. you told him everything that happened. he took you to his room and you say on his bed. he sat next to you. he wrapped his arms around you comfortingly and told you it would be okay. he also let you stay there for awhile.

   you walked to school with bruises on your arms, and a black eye. you walked to your locker, hoping no one would notice you. wrong. Henry Bowers came right up to you! "Hey Bruise Face, like the new bruises?" he asked, laughing. yes.. he gave you the bruises. sadly. He pushed you on the ground, and started to kick you. you were used to this, you didn't yell, or scream. You just let it happen. "Hey! Get the fuck off my girlfriend!"Richie yelled. Henry looked up and growled. "I'll be back for you, girly." he walked away.Richie spit on that direction. you coughed up some blood. you got up and hugged Richie. "thank you..I'm sick of the beatings.." you started crying. Richie pet your hair. "why didn't you tell me sooner..?" he asked.  "because.. I was used to it.." you mumbled. "well.. tell me of it ever happens again, and I'll give Bowers a taste of his own medicine."

    you walked through the school halls. Everything was fine until Henry came up to you. he pinned you to a locker. "hey..~ How about I show you a good ol' time~" He purred. You hated this guy, he would always try hurtung your Friends and boyfriend. "N-NO!" you shouted. he moved his hand firmly to your neck. "whad did you say, you little bitch?" he asked. "I said n-no!" you choked out. he pulled out a knife and held it to your neck. "how about now?" he asked, angry. "BOWERS! GET OFF THE LADY, AND TO THE PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE!" A teacher shouted, with Eddie next to her. Henry let you go, and trudged off. Eddie ran over to you, you started crying. he hugged you and you hugged back. "t-thank you.." you mummbled, and kissed his cheek.

    You walked away from your home. You were going to see Stan, but not just because you wanted too. You had gotten into a fight with your dad, and tears were streaming down your face. "at least I have an excuse to see Stan.." you thought out loud. You want to the door and knocked on the door. Stan opened it. "Oh my gosh.. (Y/N)! are you okay..?" he asked, worried as he stepped outside.  he took your hands. "my father and I had a fight.. so I wanted to see you." You smiled lightly. he wiped your tears away. "well, I'm here now. everthing is going to be alright." he assured you.

    You were sitting by a tree, sketching. you were sketching a clown.. Pennywise to be exact. he just attacked you a minute ago. Your long sleeves had a slash in it. You wiped a tear away. Your boyfriend, Mike. he told you not to go on your own, but you didn't listen.. and now your hurt. you heard someone faintly all your name in the distance. you looked over in the direction, you saw Mike, riding his bike over to you. you put your sketchbook in your backpack. Mike jumped off his bike and ran to you. "(Y/N)! I told you not to go alone!" he told you as he knealed down by you. "i-I'm sorry.. pl-please don't be mad.." You were crying now. "oh.. don't be upset.. I understand.. I still love you." He kissed your forehead. "now, lets get your arm fixed up."

Ben: self harm warning
    You were upset because people wouldn't stop bullying you. they called you a slut and whore. You ran out of school, crying. "I can't handle this anymore!" you yelled, you ran away. you ran home, and got a knife. you didn't hesitate, you got right to work. you stabbed the knife into your (S/C) skin. you carved the words 'slut' and 'whore' into your wrist. you let your wrist bleed, but you heard foot steps coming closer to you. "if your going to call me names, please make it quick." you muttered. "(Y/N).. I'm not here to call you names." You reconzied rhe voice of your boyfriend, Ben. He gently took yoir wrists and bandaged them. "you knew I did this..?"  you asked. "I knew you would.." he told you. "you know me too well..." you mummbled. he hugged you. you hugged back. "Thanks Ben.."

    Beverly had told you about what her father did to her. this made you feel multiple diffrent emotions. you were angry, and you felt violated for her.. but.. it mostly made you feel upset. you couldn't believe how a father could do that to her own daughter. that's horrible... you started crying out thinking about it. this was in the middle of social studies class. Beverly for up and grabbed your arm. she gently pulled you put of the room. "(Y/N), whats wrong?" Beverly asked.  "I just.. can't stop thinking about what your father did to you.." you sobbed. she hugged you. "it'll be okay.. it'll stop eventually." She told you. you nodded once. "it just hurts to hear you've been violated.." you trailed off. "I know.." She said before kissing your cheek.

    you were devastated, the losers club had beaten Pennywise. you miss him.. you want him back.. you can't live without him. everyday had been a struggle for you ever since. You sobbed into your pillow. "Penny..  I miss you... please come back..." you cried. "you called?" You heard a familiar voice in your room. you say up and turned around to see Pennywise. you litterly jumped up and out of bed. you three your arms around him. "Penny!" you shouted, crying. "I thought you were dead! I missed you so much!" you cried into his chest. "hehe. I'm immortal my dear (Y/N)." he told you. "thank God for that.."

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