#12 Scary Movies

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#12 Scary Movies

Calum: When Calum and I watched scary movies we would end up cuddled right up to each other. Well it was him holding my shaking frame against his. He would be whispering in my ear trying to calm me down, things like “it’s okay. I’m right here. I’ll keep you safe.” Before kissing my forehead. We would end up ditching the movie because I was so scared so we would cuddle in bed instead.

Ashton: Ashton and I wouldn’t watch scary movies all that often and when we did it was with the boys. We would start off holding hands because the boys would get angry at us for cuddling saying that it was gross and we should get a room, but all that would be forgotten as the movie progressed. Hand holding would turn into his arm around my shoulders tugging my body into his side. By the end of the movie Ashton would have me on his lap as he wrapped his arms around me protectively, with the boys teasing me.

Luke: I had learnt while dating Luke that he hated scary movies and creepy things and I was the complete opposite. I didn’t mind a scary movie, and somehow I had talked Luke into watching a scary movie with me. Within the first ten minutes Luke was clutching onto me, his large hands digging into the skin on my arm. By the end of the film he was in my lap not caring about his weight on me, his face pressed into the crook of my neck as I rubbed his back whispering it would be okay. I found it really cute how scared he was.

Michael: I was exactly the same as Michael but in female form. Both of us loved scary movies, so we would frequently watch them. If we were watching a scary movie with the boys I would cuddle up to Michael just so the others didn’t look like such wimps. If we were alone we would just hold hands and squeeze each other’s hand occasionally, but we would usually get bored and go to bed.

A/N Hey I’m not sure about this one but I hope you like it…. got major feels with this I wanna cuddle with the boys :( haha 

~Lucy xx

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