Chapter Six ~ Love Allie Rose

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"Broke her heart." I whisper walking past Rebecca.

"Woah! Stop right there!"

"Please just keep walking.." I hear Allie Rose whisper oh so quietly.

"What you want Rebecca?" I turn and face Allie Rose and Rebecca.

"To know what the fuck you did to my best friend!"

I look over to the sad Allie Rose, she shakes her head at me signaling for me to shut up and walk away. But I know this may be last chance Allie Rose will stand still and not walk away from me, the last chance to talk to her.

"I lied to her, broke a promise I made to her. We weren't together but it felt like we were, I spent the whole summer with her but then told her to leave me alone.." I explain while making eye contact with Allie Rose.

"So why won't you leave me alone?" Allie Rose says out of nowhere.

"Because I miss you."

She sighs a deep, slow, sad sigh before shaking her head slightly then walking away.

I went to Allie Rose's house because mum wanted me to go get some food and I hate shopping.

It only took a few seconds after I knocked on the door for Allie Rose to answer.

"Allie Rose!" I ran to hug Allie Rose.

"Hey Ethan what's up?" She sounded like she thought something was wrong with me.

"Come shopping with me? Please! Mum wants me to get food but I really hate shopping, so please come with me Allie Rose!" I looked at her. Into her beautiful brown eyes.

She smiled, "Sure let me go tell mum!"

She told her mother and then I drove us to the store. We walked around holding hands, she'd put the foods in the basket that I held in my free hand.
We were in the meat Isle and Allie Rose was putting some steak in the basket when an old lady came up to us.

"You look like a very cute couple!" She smiled genuinely.

"Thanks but we're-" both Allie Rose and I said at the same time.

"Not a couple." I finished.

It wasn't the only time someone thought we were girlfriend and boyfriend.

I have art again this afternoon. With Allie Rose.

I sit in biology waiting for lunch so I can go to art. I admit, I am failing Biology. Allie Rose was in my Biology class last year, but I didn't really take notice of her. I guess she is so good in biology because she needs to be, to be what she wants when she grows up.

"What do you dream about?"

"I don't dream, what's the point?" Allie Rose laughed.

We sat at Starbucks drinking our coffees.

"You, Allison Pagel, doesn't dream?"

"Well depends what you mean when you say dream about."

"Like what do you wanna be when you leave school."

"Probably a doctor."

"Mm, nice!" I smirked.

I was impressed and shocked. Allie Rose would be a great doctor but I didn't think that would be her choice of career.

"What about you?"

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