Chapter 3

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I ran straight to The Volturi with only one thing in mind:

To be killed.

I crash threw the castle's walls and go staight to where I could smell the kings scents.I crash threw the doors and kneel and say"I wish to be excecuted."


I run through the castle searching for Bella.

I find the scent in one of the rooms that smell strongly of the kings.I stop by the door when I hear Bella's voice"I wish to be excecuted."

When it nearly breaks me and I don't why.

That's when I hear Marcus's voice saying"Ahh it seems like our dear Jasper has finally found his true mate."

I look at him with confusion.Bella's head snaps at my name."What do you mean?Isn't Alice suppose to be my mate?"I all but sneer her name.I see Bella wince at Alice's name.

Marcus shakes his head and smiles.It shocked Aro and Cauis and the rest of the guards.Guess he must not smile often."No you two thought that the people that you were with before were your mate's.But they weren't they made you there own little puppets.You two are truly mate's."

After he's done I'm left shocked.Then I hear The Majors voice.

'What that guy sayin is true about that demented little pixie and golden boy.Our mate is Bella over there that's what I was tryin to say but you were always with that demented pixie.'

Oh that's why he always tried to talk but I always ignored him.

"We could help you start all over.Forget everything that happened to you in this life.How about that?"asks Marcus.

"Why are you helping us?"asks Bella.Till now I haven't really paid much attention to her.Shes even more than Rosalie and that's saying something since her beauty is more than any immortal alive well dead.Her beautiful brown hair cascades down her back to her waist.Her plumps lips are a ruby red that contrast against her white skin.Beautiful.

"I'm helping you because you are my 27x great niece."

Bella's jaw drops but quickly composes herself."I accept your gift uncle"Bella says with a smile.

The ancient beams at Bella before looking at me"So do you accept?"

I say the one word that will change the rest of my dead life


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