Chapter 10

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There was a lot of truth in Olive's words. I turned to Charlotte who was fussing over her camera. She was right there -only a few feet away, but she might as well have been on the other side of the moon and all I could do was look.

"I guess we just don't have it, Olive," I said to her.

"Well, unlike you, I have tried talking to Nora," she said and tossed the ball to me. "She handles herself so cool. And I'm there sweating like a pig, screaming panic in my head, some idiotic blah blah coming out of my mouth. You have a better chance than me, Darci."

I was just as a romantic hopeless as she was, and I didn't know why she had so much faith in me.

"Hey! You girls are here, too?"

We turned to find Tonya, Melissa, and Nora walking towards the field.

"Oh geez, what's up with today?" Olive said.

I agreed. It was as if we were on a mission to run into our crushes. Olive and I stopped talking as they came to join us.

The other girls had come with the same mind as we did. The victory had given them hope, and they wanted to be better and impressed our coaches.

So we started doing a bit of practice together.

I tried to see what Olive saw in Nora. Of course, Nora was pretty and a great player, but she was just as human as the rest of us.

"Did you see the look on Stefanie's face at the end of the game, Darci?" Tonya said. "She was so jealous."

"Yeah, you did us all a favor and shut her arrogant face for once," Nora agreed. "I can't stand that girl sometimes."

"She thought she was the only star in the universe," Melissa added.


"Come on guys, it was a lucky shot," I said. "Besides Felik and Grigor want us to work together."

Now, look at what I was doing. Taking the role of the Kapitan already?

Charlotte was talking to Margaret who showed up from the cafeteria with some cans of soda.

"Working hard, aren't you?" she smiled brightly and waved at us. "Come and have some refreshment!"

We had only been here for half an hour but we decided to take a break as it was a hot day. We shared the food we got from the Matryoskha. Everyone had quite a bit of fun, laughing and joking. We were having a really great time.

After Margaret said goodbye and left in her tiny toy car, we resumed our practice.

Charlotte wanted to record some baseball techniques, so we took turns to demonstrate them as best as we could.

I always froze when her camera lens directed at me.

"Darci, look over here!" she yelled. "You keep turning away. I can't see your face clearly."

I blushed and tried to do what she said, but it was still awkward.

Then Olive pretended to run the homerun like I did yesterday. I thought she was trying to impress Nora. But when she slide over the ground, her legs got knotted like a pretzel. Olive ended up face first and smashed her chin hard in the dirt.

"Olive!" we cried.

There was blood everywhere, gushing down the hand holding her chin. The shock had drained color off her face, and she was white as paper.

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