Chapter 17

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It was windy on the last game before the Final. Wind so vicious, it ripped straight through clothes and made your skin sting with cold. Everyone walked with their heads tucked in, hearing nothing but the rush of air in their ears. We were a visiting team. The Tiger Cubs's field was on top of a hill with no trees at all to cut the blast of the wind.

A couple of men were struggling to put up the banners. The banners were tangled, blowing back into the men's faces.

Other Red Thorns fans were also turning up for the game.

Susan got out of her car, being roused by her dad. I couldn't hear what they were on about but the angry booming voice of her dad was loud from here. At the other end of the car park, Harper was scrambling to find her gloves and helmet on the car floor. She was crying and pleading with her mom about something.

Olive wandered past me, clutching her belly, her face grey and saggy.

The away team change room was so small and we were packed in tight. No one was talking and it was so quiet in there, it was spooky. We were getting ready, taping up boots and gloves, tucking shirts, and tightening shoelaces, or whatever, all of us feeling nervous and alone and separate.

Then I saw Charlotte coming inside. She had to squeeze her way through the bodies to get to me.

"Everything alright, Darci?" she asked, looking at us with an uncertain look.

I shrugged as I put my gloves on.

"I honestly don't know," I said.

Susan huffed out jerky breaths to calm herself. Rosie tapped her hands against her thighs like a drummer. Harper was sniffing and doing that shuddery thing after a big crying session. Nora tipped her head back against the wall. She was pale and shaky.

"You feeling okay, Nora?" Olive whispered to her.

"Got a bit of a temperature. No big deal," she said.

"Maybe you shouldn't play," Olive said, looking worried. But the girl shook her head.

"I'm fit to play," she said. "I'm playing."

End of subject.

Outside, we heard Felik and Grigor arguing in Russian. I wished I could do something. It looked like we were preparing to go to war instead of a game, and we were already losing.

When it was time for us to go, Charlotte put her hand on my arm. A gesture that startled me a little. Her bright eyes looked at me almost in sympathy.

"I wish you luck, Darci," she said in a low voice.

"Thank you, Charlotte," I said and forced a smile.

"Hey, it's time," Stefanie said. "Stop frolicking."

I shot her a sharp look.

"Hi, girls," said Felik from the doorway. Grigor was behind him, his eyes hidden behind mirror sunglasses even though he was indoor. Felik tried to be positive but when he saw the wretched faces lined up in the front of him, he smiled drooped. We were herded outside.

"Where's Olive? Is she here?" asked Grigor, realizing we were missing one member.

"She was there a moment ago."

I offered to go and find her, and Charlotte came with me.

There was a water tank in the long grass behind the toilet block. As I walked around the tank, looking for Olive, I heard a weird choking sound. There she was, doubled over.

"Olive, are you sick?" I said. "I'll go and tell the coaches."

Olive wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

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