Chapter 20

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Charlotte and I went to her house. I called Mom that I would be late. We got out all the video clips of the Rejects' games, training, interviews.

We had sat in front of her desktop computer all afternoon and half the evening to make a season highlights footage of the team. Charlotte knew her way around those editorial programs, and a girl who knows this kind of technology to me is a goddess.

And of course, I knew what was going on during each game, because I watched everyone all the times, so between us, we could jump around the video and edit a tape really fast.

And why did we do that?

Well, we figured, okay, game's over. But we should remember the excellent bits and not just the lousy part at the end. If we don't have a team for the Grand Final, at least we got Charlott's documentary to end things nicely.

After we were done, we sent a link to the video to everyone's email, even Stefanie's.

And the last people we sent were our two Russian coaches. I didn't know if they would see it.

When I got home, I called Felik, but it went straight to his answering machine. "Can't get to the phone right now...please leave a message."

So I did.

"I just want to call to tell you that I know you're feeling bad about not doing everything right, coach, but I can't stand it if it ends like this. Everyone might've forgotten how good it was, but I don't."

As I babbled away on the phone, a weird thing happened: a decision came out of my mouth even before my mind had made up. It was a foolish decision, but it was one that came from the heart.

"I'm going to cancel the forfeit," I sad. "I'm turning up on Saturday even if I'm the only player on the field. Even if I have to play the Grand Final on my own. You can think it's the dumbest thing you've ever heard, but I don't care...I just...ah...I don't know..."

I put down the phone and sighed.

Felik and Grigor didn't call me back that night. I was the only Reject left. I knew I would be standing alone like an idiot on the field, but I couldn't back out on my words. By the night before the Grand Final, I lay flat out on my bed with the light off. It felt like there was a wall of brick pinning me to the bed. Mom creaked the door open carefully and I could feel her watching me for a moment.

"Darci?" she whispered.


Mom had been excited about the Final, and I didn't have the heart to tell her. Now she was wondering what was going on.

"Want me to come to the game tomorrow?" she asked after she sat on my bed.

"Oh well, might be better if you don't."

She nodded. I could see she was disappointed. And part of me wanted to blurt out 'please come'. I couldn't. I didn't want her there and see no one on my team there. It would be even more disappointing.

"Alright, honey, I...uh...I respect what you're doing," she said and waited for me to say something.

"Thanks, Mom," I said. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Darci," she said and kissed my forehead. When Mom left, I rolled sideways. On my chair was my baseball uniform, socks, and boots - all laid out in the shape of a person. Ready for the big day tomorrow.


The Grand Final was at a flash ground with a covered stand and proper seating. When I arrived, the ground officials were out, touching up the field and bases.

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