Chapter 1

23 1 0

6 years later

Aella's POV

I walked though mountains of boxes packed with my families things. I had been searching all morning for my belongs among this mess. I had gotten a few of my things into my room but the rest was here. I sighed looking though another tower. That’s when I found the one box I could never live without. Within it were all my little wolves, horses, eagle, bear, deer, and unicorn and dragon figures. I took all the boxes on it on another stack and pick up my box and took it to my room.

My room well that what it looked like outside normal door and walls but when you walked in, you walked into a jungle. Three walls had forest wall paper so real looking that I even had a lot of pot plant around the edges of my room to add effect. There was a glass sliding door that leads out onto the front veranda which over looked a forest much like the one in my room. Heading back into my room my bed is a large Queen sized bed, with a green canopy above it. My wooden dresser and bed side tables all matched my bed.

As you walk along the wall you find a hidden door when opened was my closet that was no more forest themed then the main room. Close the door and walk a few more steps and you come to a thick tree that has a large black hole in it, well that was until you walked though that hole into my bath room. It was rounded and looked like the inside of a very large tree the walls all had fake moss attached to it and the sink was like a mini water fall, a constant stream of water  came from a gap in the wall and into the sink. Toilet was quite normal expect of the fact that from the other side of the bathroom it looked like a solid rock, it too had fake moss but just around the base.

Coming back out I went over to my bed to put my box down. I rubbed my hands over the sheets which had a picture of a wolf on it and my pillow cases had more wolves on them. I opened to box and started to gently take out my figures. I set them up on my bedside tables. One had trees and rocks. Around the back and then a large rock sat in the clear front area. That’s where I put my little pack of wolves. A black one with gold eyes stood on the top of that rock with a reddish brown she-wolf by his side. Then there was a little tawny one which lay at the bottom of the rock, a dark brown sat watching over two little pups. One pup was white and the other was golden in colour. The light grey mate of the dark brown stood growling at a black bear, he was accompanied by a large dark grey and an old looking wold that was black, brown and tawny coloured.

I had placed a few more black bears in the trees at the back of the bed side table. I placed the small herd of deer, fawns and bucks I had collected over the years. I was careful about the next one. I now pulled out a tree larger than the rest and put it by the rock with the wolves. I then put a bird nest in a special place in the tree before at last grabbing the eagle pair that lived there, the female sat in the nest while the male sat on a branch just above her.

I moved the box so it was closer to my other bed side table. On this one was a plain with only a rocky cliff at the back and a great big nest on the cliff. I first place my dragon pair. Male sat obediently in the nest waiting for the female to return with her kill. The female dragon was lying on the ground waiting for a horse to go near her. Then I place the herds, I had the horses all in their little groups then I added the unicorns into each of those herds and that was about it for this box expect for the broken black ailcorn stallion that I had yet to fix, he was ament to be rearing calling all the herds together, but some kid had come over at my old house and knocked him onto the floor, he had shattered.

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