Chapter 3

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Aella's POV



My groggy mind started to notice the soft whispers and murmurs of male voices. I growled wanting them to shut up so I could keep sleeping.



"Guys stop talking she's waking up, you four can go home I will stay here with her" Said whom I guessed was the leader.



"Sure thing" four voices said at once



I frowned before opening my eyes with a sigh. I flicked my ears around before jumping to my feet. I growled and snapped my bared teeth at the man who now stood before me blocking the entrance. I growled once more before backing away from him never letting my eyes drop. I knew those eyes no person should have eyes as gold as that. I watched as he left I sighed in relief.



I sat and lay my head on my paws; I had only been sitting there for a few minutes when a grumbling came from my stomach. I rolled my eyes. Of course now where would I find food and most likely a drink as well?



Getting up I padded my way over to the cave mouth seeing and hearing nobody near I dashed out of the cave. I hadn't thought much on what I would eat but out here I guess I would have to hunt. What else would a wolf eat? Sniffing at the air for any sent of a prey animal. I caught the scent of something that had passed by recently. I followed the scent until I came to a small clearing filled with a small herd of deer. How I would catch one was beyond me but I guess I would leave that to instinct. I dropped to a crouch and crawled along on my belly until I was close to the herd. The large antlered male lifted his head and looked my way and smelt the air for danger, I froze waiting for the buck to start grazing again. When he did as silent as ever I crept closer. I should have known my cover would be blown the doe closest to me had just spotted me and gave an alarm call. I watched the buck's muscles bunch up ready to start running.



I growled knowing it was now or never I jumped up from the ground and started running at the herd. I had already picked out a doe, so I aimed myself at her. The doe was leaping away but I was faster, I soon launch myself into the air at her throat and latched on. I was trying to stay away from her hooves and kept one eye on the buck, I didn't want to be unprepared if he decided to help out the doe.



I started to move my mouth so I took more of her throat into my mouth until I was sure my canines were over the vein in her throat. I bit down as hard as I could and shook my head side to side tearing a hole in her neck. I knew it could take a while if I wait for her to drop of blood loss so I let go and did my best to grab hold of one of the doe’s legs to bring her down. I felt my teeth hit flesh as I caught her right hind leg a she try to spring away making her drop to the ground. Once she was on her side I wasted no time letting the leg go and bitting down on her mouth and nose.



Finally weak from both blood loss and lack of breath I felt her life slip away. I shut my eyes and sighed at least I knew how to hunt. I wished I could find a way to kill an animal faster than that. I finally got up and looked around to see if there was any water before I dragged the deer carcase back to the cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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