Stolen-Chapter 6

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         Later that night, you were enjoying the silence that was around you. You were sitting on the porch swing and enjoying the warm weather, the sun was about to set and was warming your body. You had one leg bent and against your chest, the other pushing against the wood to keep the motion going. You closed your eyes and felt yourself become calm, the stress of the day just falling away, but it didn’t stay long because you heard heavy footsteps coming up the steps. You hoped it was Sam, or Johnson, but when you looked towards the steps you saw Jack holding Starbucks in both hands.

            You couldn’t seem to disappear from it all, Jack just seemed to pop up when you least expected it and just when you began to feel better. You sighed and felt the sadness consume you again when he offered a smile and handed you your favorite drink, sitting down next to you. You took the cup and looked away, the drink was cold and stinging your skin but when you noticed it was your favorite, it made your heart melt. You couldn’t remember the last time Jack paid for your Starbucks drink, all because Leigh was with him.

            “This is gorgeous,” Jack said before taking a sip of his drink.

            You nodded and agreed with him, you loved sunsets, including when purple and pinks were swirling around the clouds. You took a sip of your drink and enjoyed the perfection, that the Starbucks is always able to make.

            “You ever going to talk to me again?” Jack asked in a quiet voice and you felt his eyes on you, you didn’t dare to look at him but you did go to ignore the heat that you felt from his eyes. You wanted to be happy with Sam, you deserved Sam and Sam wanted you. You wanted to try with Sam, and you wanted it work this time between you guys.

            You lifted your other leg and pulled them both to your chest, Jack continued the rocking motion for you both. “I did earlier today,” You answered, waving at a little girl that passed with her mom, you babysat for them.

            Jack was silent after he heard your answer, he didn’t say anything but he just rocked you both. The sky around you both was slowly growing darker when Jack spoke up again, “Is there something going on between you and Sam?”

            The way he said it was almost like he was scared to hear your answer. You looked at him and found him already staring at you, his eyes were filled with nervousness and something else that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. “Does it really matter, Jack?” you asked him, looking away from him and drinking your drink.

            “It matters to me, Y/N,” Jack said before he moved so that he was facing you.

            You stared at him, “Why? I’m allowed to see whoever I want,”

            “Hell yeah, you are, but does it have to be Sam?” He asked.

            “Are you serious? Who the hell am I supposed to be with then?” You asked in an angry tone, you were getting beyond annoyed with him.

            Jack didn’t have an answer for you though. He just stared back at you, his jaw tightening, his eyes telling you exactly what you didn’t want him to say. What he wanted to say, he couldn’t, and you knew why. “Damn it, Jack,” You said and got up, making your way to your door.

            “Y/N, wait-“

            You turned around, “No, Jack! This is stupid, what we did was stupid. I’m not gonna sit around and wait for you to realize that it wasn’t a mistake! It just shouldn’t have happened when it did. I have nothing against Leigh, but she has every right to hate me. I’m just not going to sit around and wait, I want to be happy and if being happy means being with Sam, then I’m doing it.”

            “So, you’re going to throw our friendship away, just like that?” Jack asked, facing me.

            “I’m not throwing it away,” You answered softly. “I’m protecting myself.”

            You didn’t wait for Jack to say anything to you; you opened the door and walked inside. Locking the door and making your room. Jack didn’t get to think that way; he already told you that what happened was a mistake. He didn’t get to come back and all but admit that he had something for you, it wasn’t okay. You wanted to move on, and get rid of everything in your body that was screaming for Jack.

Stolen- Jack Gilinsky Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now