Stolen-Chapter 12

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You didn’t answer Jack, but you felt exhausted. You leaned into him and placed your forehead against his and sighed, “Can we continue that later?”

Jack nodded and dug his fingers through your hair, “Let me kiss you,” He whispered, his breath hitting your face.

“Jack,” You whispered as a warning. You were letting him hold you and be close to you, that was enough for him. You didn’t plan on forgiving him because if you forgave him and fell into a relationship with him he would realize that he only wanted you because he couldn’t have you. That hurt just wasn’t worth it to you, you wanted a relationship with him that would last, but what if he didn’t? Maybe you were just a rebound off of Leigh?

Jack rubbed the pad of his thumb on your cheek bone, right underneath your right eye, and you closed your eyes. His arm tightened around your waist as he answered, “Just one kiss, baby, just one,”

Jack didn’t give you time to answer, all you felt was soft lips against yours. A gentle pressure that made you melt against Jack, you let him kiss you and you kissed back. You didn’t know why you were letting him kiss you, but the second he moved his lips against yours, your stomach flipped and you sighed into his mouth. He pulled away and you opened your eyes to find him staring at you, “What’s it going to take for you to trust me with that heart of yours?”

You took a deep breath, “A lot more than kisses and pet names,”

A little smile touched his lips, “I can do that,”

“Yeah?” You asked him.

He nodded, “Yeah, I left you some chipotle in the fridge,”

“Jack?” You asked, putting your hands to his chest to give you some space.


“If you really want this, and want to be in the long haul with me then you need to prove it. I’m not going to risk my feelings for someone who doesn’t want anything more than a couple of weeks,” You said, looking at him through your eyelashes.

“All I’ve ever wanted was you to be mine, I was just too scared to admit it. I will prove it, Y/N,”

Stolen- Jack Gilinsky Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now