Stolen-Chapter 10

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You tightened your grip on his hands and pushed against them, but he held them in place. His eyelids dropped slightly and he bit his lip, glancing down at your body, but his eyes stayed on the sweatshirt you wore. “Whose fucking sweatshirt is that?” Jack asked in an angry tone.

“Sam’s, asshole.” You answered, trying to wiggle away from Jack.

You were about to move away from him, because the grip on your hands loosened slightly, but his hips pressed roughly against yours and kept you in place while he ripped off Sam’s sweatshirt off your body. “Jack!” You screamed at him as he threw it across his room.

Jack smirked at you, “Not anymore it isn’t,” You watched as Jack’s eyes darkened and roamed over your bare torso, you hadn’t worn anything but a bra underneath. You hadn’t expected shit like this to happen, so you didn’t bother.

Your lower belly tightened at the sight of his lust filled eyes, your mind went foggy and blank when his finger brushed up your side, heat filling your body and flooding your cheeks. His eyes finally dragged up to meet your eyes and you stared at him, you didn’t know what to do, but when his tongue swiped across his bottom lip you knew what was about to go down. His fingers reached up and gripped onto the hair at the back of your head, pulling your head down and smashing your lips to his.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and pushed your fingers into his thick hair, when Jack ran his tongue along your bottom lip and picked you up by the backs of your thighs all rational thought slipped away just like last time. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he pushed your harder into the door, his lips wrapped around your tongue and sucked right before his teeth pinched your bottom lip and gave it a tug. A spark of pleasure burst through your body and you tugged, harshly, on his hair.

His chest rumbled with a groan, which sounded like your name, caused you to bite on his lower lip. You whimpered as Jack moved his hips against your twice before he pulled you away from the door and towards his bed, but the drop to his bed caused you to realize what was happening.

Jack pushed your legs apart and rested between them, you moved your lips away so his tongue brushed against your neck, he sucked on the spot when he felt your racing pulse.

But this wasn’t supposed to be happening. You were angry at Jack, but an angry Jack made your heart race and belly squeeze. Jack kissed down your chest, then back up, his fingers lacing with your hands and pushing them against the bed. For a split second, when his lips touched yours, you sighed and lost yourself in the kiss. Then you remembered the reason you came here, he fucked it all up for you and Sam.

You moved your hands away from his, he let you too engrossed in the kiss to notice, and placed your hands on his chest. You pushed it, “Jack, stop.”

Jack pressed his bulge against the soft spot between your legs, roughly, and you whimpered. You felt him smirk against your ear, “You don’t want me too,”

You pushed harder and he fell to your side, “Y/N, what the hell?” He asked.

You got up and found Sam’s sweatshirt and slipped it on, “No!” You exclaimed. “You can’t do this shit to me, you can’t force someone to end what was good between us, what was finally good for me, just because Leigh broke up with you and you didn’t want to be alone. I won’t be a toy for you, Jack,”

By the end of your words you had tears running down your cheeks. Jack stood up and walked towards you, “You aren’t a toy to me, Y/N,”

You held your hand up to stop him, “Don’t, for the love of God and all that’s holy, leave me alone, Jack.”

Seeing you like this was slowly killing Jack, his eyes watered and he shook his head. “I can’t do that, I won’t,”

“For me, Jack,” You whispered and wiped your tears. “You’re only doing this because I’m the one thing you can’t have, you were so happy with Leigh before we had sex, you don’t love me.”

You turned around and ran out that door, muttering an apology to his older sisters and mom before running to your car, getting in and driving to nowhere.

--- Hi, ya'll Hope you enjoy it!

Stolen- Jack Gilinsky Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now