Boone Jenner (requested)

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"Babe, what are you doing?" you asked as you walked into your livingroom and saw your boyfriend, Boone Jenner, try to reach for the remote from the couch.  He was wrapped up in about three blankets and lying dow, crowded by pillows and tissues.  He was literally a foot away, but refused to get up to grab the remote, so he was just reaching his hand out to try and grab it.

"It's so far," he whined, his voice all nasily from the Flu that he had come down with.  He was forced to stay bedridden for the next few days, which you were secretly thankful for since he would be able to spend some more time with you.  You rolled your eyes and laughed as his expense.

"Just get up and get it."

He groaned, still trying to reach for the remote from his place on the couch.

"But i'm sick," he complained.  As if on cue, he let out three brutally loud sneezes.

"So? you still have legs," you teased, sitting down at the end of the couch near his head.  He groaned and retracted his hand, tucking it under his blanket.

"Forget it," he grumbled, pouting at you.  You giggled and ruffled his hair, and then kissing it before reaching for the remote and handing it to him.  He smiled at you, his face weary from being sick.

"Thanks babe, you're the best," he said as he changed the channel to watch NHL tonight.  You sat with him for a few more minutes, stroking his hair which, despite his protest, you knew he enjoyed.  After he watched the highlights from tonights games, he looked up at you with puppy eyes.

"C'mere," he said, lifting his blanket and scooching back on the couch so that you could slide under next to him.  You smiled and crawled under, burrowing into his chest as he put his arm around you.  You knew he was exhausted after not getting much sleep the night before due to his fever, and you knew he felt miserable being sick and not being able to play hockey.  He kissed your forehead and tightened his arms around you.  

"I love you," he said sleepily, his voice still scratchy from coughing so much.  You kissed his cheek and then his jaw, continuing to stroke his hair until he finally fell asleep. You listened to his congested breathing while staring up at his peaceful face, glad that he was finally able to get some rest.  You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, letting his even breaths lull you to sleep as well.

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