Patrick Sharp (requested)

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"You ready to go babe?" your boyfriend Patrick asked you as he walked into your bedroom.  He had invited you to go to a fancy team dinner tonight, and to say you were nervous was an understatement.  You and Patrick had been dating for a while, but nobody on the team knew about your relationship. See, there was a seven-year age difference between the two of you, and you hadn't told the rest of the team in fear that they would thing you're a gold-digger.  Of course, Patrick had assured you that none of the guys or other WAGs would think such a thing, but you still weren't comfortable telling anyone.  

"Uh, yeah, just give me a minute," you stalled as you looked through your closet for some heels to match your tight navy blue dress.  Tonight was finally the night that Patrick was going to introduce you to the rest of the team.  You both figured it has been long enough, and you just wanted to get it over with.  

"Wow, you look gorgeous," he smiled at you, wrapping his arms around your waist, making you blush.  He kissed your exposed shoulders and then your neck, finally planting a kiss on your cheek.  Despite your nerves, you couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, calm down buddy," you giggled as you slipped away from him and bent down to slip on your shoes.

"Sorry, you just look so stunning," he grinned sheepishly, wrapping his right arm around you when you stood up again, now a few inches taller.  "Now let's go introduce my flawless girlfriend to the rest of the team."


You arrived at the restaurant with your stomach in knots, clinging Patrick's arm for dear life.  

"Relax, Y/N" he whispered, giving you a peck on the cheek. "They're going to love you."

Boy, you really hoped so.

Patrick led you through the fancy double doors and led you to the back of the restaurant where you saw the whole team gathered.  They didn't see the two of you at first, but then Brent Seabrook looked up from his spot and waved at Patrick.  His eyes fell on you and a look of confusion crossed his face, but he smiled anyway.  

"Hey Sharpy," he greeted as you two arrived at the table, now gathering the attention from everyone. "You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!"

You gulped as Brent stood up, offering you his hand to shake.  You took it hesitantly, not really sure what to expect.

"Hi, I'm Brent.  Nice to meet you," he smiled, putting you at ease, "This is my wife Dayna."

He motioned to the woman sitting next to him as you shook his hand back.

"Hi," you smiled, "I'm Y/N."

You looked towards Dayna to offer a handshake, but she was giving you a weird look, so you shied away.  Patrick took you around the table to meet the guys and their WAGs, each of the boys welcoming you warmly, and each of the WAGs giving you the same weird look.  You felt relieved that the guys liked you, but there was tension among the other girls that made you uneasy.  Chaunette, Shaw's girlfriend, was the only one that welcomed you with a warm smile, so you sat down next to her with Patrick on your other side.

Throughout dinner, the WAGs kept interrogating you, questioning you on your age and why you were dating Patrick.  You knew they were hinting at the fact that you were only dating him for his money and it made you extremely uncomfortable.  Right before dessert came out, you'd had enough and excused yourself from the table, nearly in tears.  you rushed to the hallway where the bathrooms were located, leaning on the wall and taking deep breaths to keep from crying.  

"Hey baby," You heard a soft voice next to you and you looked over to find Patrick standing there, placing a hand on your back and rubbing circles.

"Hey," you managed, sniffing sadly.  All you wanted was to be accepted.  You knew the age difference would raise some eyebrows, but you didn't want to believe it.  

"Listen, don't listen to those girls," he started, continuing to rub your back.  "The boys all love you, and they'll warm up to you. I promise.  They're just being ignorant.  They don't know our love like we do, and whatever they think doesn't matter. I love you, and that's all that matters."

You gave him a small smile and took his hand, gripping it tightly and confidently.  You were ready to go back there and let them know that what they thought didn't have any affect on you.

"I love you, too," you said, grinning at your boyfriend, "Now lets grab some dessert."

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