Ryan Spooner pt 2 (requested)

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You glanced in the mirror for what seemed like the 80th time, trying to make sure you looked alright.  After that day you two met in the park, you and Ryan had been texting and calling each other non-stop, and Ryan had asked you out after a few weeks. Today you had finally found the time in both of your busy schedules to go out on an actual date.  

"You look great, Y/N!" your roommate reassures you.  Ryan told you to dress up, so you were clad in a  long-sleeved deep red dress with black heels, your hair loosly curled and a light amount of makeup on.  You were so nervous, but excited at the same time.  You hadn't seen him in person for almost a month and wanted to make a good impression outside of your disheveled winter clothes you were in when you met him.  Your phone went off on your bed and your heartbeat sped up.

Hey :) I'll be there soon!

You gave a huge smile as you read his text and took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.  You waved goodbye to your roommate as you headed out the door to wait for him outside.  After a few minutes, you saw his car pull up in front of your dorm building.  You smiled as you opened the door and stepped into his car, greeted by a huge smile on his face.  

"Wow Y/N," he grinned, blushing slightly, "You look gorgeous!"

You smiled and thanked him.  The ride to the restaurant wasn't long, but you two talked as if you had known each other for years.  You were so comfortable with him, and you hoped that whatever you two had would last for a long time


The crowd was buzzing around you as the Bruins took to the ice for pre-game warm ups.  Your dinner with Ryan had gone fantastically, and he surprised you and your roommate with tickets to that nights game.  He also provided you with his Jersey so that you could wear for him.  You smiled as you saw Ryan skate past you, warming up with the puck and taking a few shots.  You've been to a handful of bruins games, but you have never had glass seats before and you loved the view.  Your roommate had gone to go get some food and drinks, so you just watched the players in awe as they stretched and prepared to play.  Ryan passed you again after taking a few laps, this time stopping in front of you and tapping on the glass with is stick and smiling.  You smiled back and waved, shooting him a thumbs up.  Ryan grinned, but then jolted forward into the glass as he was playfully checked from behind by Marchy.  He turned to face his teammate, who gave him a wink and then turned to you, waving.  You laughed and waved back before he began skating around again.  You saw Ryan roll his eyes and chuckle, mouthing "sorry" at you.  Chara then skated by and told Ryan to start running a drill, to which he turned to you and waved goodbye before he skated off.

The Bruins beat the Blue Jackets 3-1 and the excitement in the crowd was immense.  You had so much fun during the game, and now you were headed to the locker room to meet up with Ryan, as your roommate already went home with the car you shared.  By the time you finally made your way down, Ryan was already showered and leaning against the wall next to the locker room.  When he saw you, he grinned widely and walked towards you immediately.

"Great game Ryan!" you complimented, giving him a hug.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he winked, "Nice jersey, by the way.  It definitely looks good on you."

You laughed and shoved his arm playfully as he led you through the hallway, heading back to his car so that he could drive you home.  He kept a hand placed on the small of your back as he led you through the parking lot, finally reaching his car.

"I had so much fun today, thank you so much," you told him, looking up at his smiling face.

"No, thank you," he said as he pulled you close, leaning down and brushing your lips with his.  You snaked your arms around his neck and kissed him back, feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach.  And it was that moment that you knew the two of you would be together for a very, very long time.

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