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If you asked me last week what Ill be doing now, I wouldnt have answered exactly what Ill be doing.

Who'd ever thought that I'll get myself into this predicament? Did I just ruins anyones engagement? This is so not me. But then again, maybe it really is me.

What I mean???

<----    FLASHBACK

"Yes, Im doing it." I said to Dani that morning when we met at a local cafe.

Shs choked on her drinks then composed herself. She smiled and said, "Really? As in no takebacks? This is it?"

"Yes. Although this is against my usual requests, Ill be doing it. Ill take this challenge, I just hope you made sure that you are aware of the consequences." I warned her.

Just making sure that she is doing this not blinded by the effect it might causs to her life.

"Broken engagement? YES please" she said grinning.

"Nope, broken trusts between your families. Anyways, we need to come up with a contract to ensure I am not held liable of any of my actions."

Just my usual protocol with any clients. Of course, I dont want to be the scapegoat of those broken people. I was not the one who asked them to measure their boyfriends loyalty, its the other way around.

"Yes yes. Lets do that. And maybe you know, since you agreed. Maybe just maybe you want ahmm maybe you meet him tonight at my cousins engagement party?" she asked unsure.

"Tonight? Nope. No way. It would too early. We still dont have any story and anyways, I'm not gonna meet him as your sister's friend. Isnt that too suspicious?" I told her.

Everything has to be planned perfectly as what I have experienced in the past.

"Of course not, you'll gonna go as my friend"

I looked at her incredously. Like really?

"Yeah, of course, that is not more suspicious than the other one" Yup, sarcasm is my middle name.

"Oh come on, please? I am really in a time constraint. I know this is an unusual one for you, but I really wanted this engagement be forgotten before the end of the month."

"What am I? A miracle worker? Please  be reasonable with you request"

Just two weeks away and she expects it be done right away? She must have thought its as easy as saying hello and goodbye.

"Please?" she asked then batted her eyes.

"Okay, I'll give you this night. If we can come up with a passable story, maybe just MAYBE I'll go and meet him tonight." I said with a sigh.

"Really? Thank you thank you!"

"I am so gonna regret this. So what story should we fabricate regarding our 'acquaintances'?"

They stayed silent for a few minutes, trying to make a story that will put motion to their mission.

"How about your sister was my co worker years ago, and we met while you're skyping with her? Well, we hit it off and became friends. We just met a month ago and became best friends. Since you got heartbroken, I decided to cheer you up through different parties." she said with an enlightened face. As if she found the perfect story.

I did an eyeroll and said, "And an enggement party is supposed to raise my spirits up?"

"Yup, and yup" she answered proudly.

"Wow! This story should be a crime, no ones gonna believe that!" I toled her truthfully.

"Well, what do you suggest?" she said pouting.

"Hmm. How about we keep it simple and say that we're friends through my sister and you thought of helping me  of my studies through some of your connections."

"Dam, i should have thought of that. Hmm yeah lets go with that one"

"I'll be thought of as an opportunist. But that story would much better than the one you have given me. So yeah, lets use that one" I said with a finality.

Whatever, I can work with any story. Just as long as I can hook him, he'd be easy.

"Good, then I guess wardrobe magic is on the itenerary?" I said since I know for a fact that none of my clothes will be enough for her kind of party.

"If your wardrobe can make me half decent in a span of an hour, then we're a go" I added.

"My wardrobe cant, but I know people who can" she said with twinkle in her eyes then she dialed numbers which i can guess most be her 'contacts'.

"Then? Lets do this shit!''


Socialization was my expertise once upon a time, but with extravagang parties? No can do.

Dani introduced me to a lot of people tonight, but we had no luck with our project.

I met the bride and groom to be, Dani' s family, her colleagues, her cousins and I think almost everyone in the room, but I still haven't to meet the guy.

I kept hearing his name whenever people ask how destiny is doing. As if thwyre two peas in a pod and people just cant help themselves be curoous.

"Is he coming or not?" I asked Dani irritatedly.

I mean, whats the use of the glits and glamour Im showing tonight if I cant show it to our project? (Im calling him project to avoid familiarity with the subject).

Like i endured 4-inches heel just to feel confident of my height and he's a no show?

She looked at me worriedly, "Im so sorry, Jus. I really did hear my cousin tell her fiance regarding his bestfriend. And I do know Rant is his bestfriend."

I sipped a little to the wine I got from the waiter a few minutes ago and e
was  about to tell her I'm going when someone intercepted them.

"Dani, I didnt know you're here in the Philippines already."

Of course thats been happening for the last hour, so i know what to do now. Time for my fourth rest room break.

"Excuse me, I'll just use the rest room."

No use really, as I can feel no one felt my oresent.

As was admiring the lanterns on my way to the rest roos, suddenly I bumped into someone. And yup, I made a mess.

I was still holding my champagne that time thats why it spilled to the dress of the one i bumped woth.

" Are you blind?" she castigated me loudly.

I think atleast half of the people heard her.

"Im so sorry, so sorry." I said while trying and failing to wipe the stain from her gown.

She pushed away my hands and said, "Stupido! Stop that! Cant you tell you are just ruining it more? I bet you cant even pay half of the price of my desingers dress!"

I was about to answer her when someone got between us. Must be to stop the girl's outbursts.

" Go home Alexa, you're just making a fool of yourself!" he said.

"Are you taking the side of this unknown not even that important person over me?" she asked icily to the guy.

I cant really see the guys face since hes facing her way, but he shook his headas if what the girl is saying is so ridiculous.

"I am taking the side of someone whos already apologetic enough but you chose to see past that."

"Whatever!" the girl said angrily and gave her a glare before walking away.

And thats when I noticed that the music stopped while we were having a scene. So you can say the whole place has seen it.

Yay me. Aint I the luckiest int he world?



I was browsjng my wattpad when I realized I still have pending drafts for you guys. So yeah, this is not error free. I hope you leave comments after reading 😊😊😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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