New Friend (2)

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"I'm sorry." she said to me, in her very low voice. I do get what she meant when she said that. She must be thinking that i'm boiling mad right now at my sister for she spilled my secrets. 

I sighed and said, "It's okay. What's done is done. And I do know that my sister will not jeopardize my 'pet project', as I'd like to call it, just for some late-night girl talk. So I'm sure there's a reason behind her loose mouth this time." 

She smiled a little yet I still can see the sadness lurking in her eyes. She inhaled deeply and looked at me straight in the eyes, like as if she's determined to make a step. Hmm. I wonder what her problem is.

"I have a fiance and i want to break up with him," she said boldly and I gasped. WAIT! This is surely different from what i'm expecting. I mean, shouldn't she be asking for some assurance about her love life? 

"I'm sorry, but that's beyond my expertise and -" She held her hand, as if gesturing that I should let her continue.

"I should really tell you the story from the start. When I was still in New York, a month before your sister transferred there, I met this guy. I know this is one of those cliche things that should really be made into a movie because it sucks, big time. But well, I'm in love with him. To cut the long story short, he asked me to get married and i agreed that time, completely perplexed that a guy such as him would want to spend his lifetime loving me. We are so inlove with each other," she said dreamily.

Okay. I think I need to puke. But wait, where do I even come in the scene? Did her fiance cheat on her? Did he do something wrong? Something's not right about this. If she still looks so dazed in love, then what does she need me for? And why does she even want to break their marriage if she looks so in love with the guy? Something just doesnt add up to this. Hmm.

"So? You want tobreak up your engagement to the person you're so helplessly inlove with? Am i getting the situation right?" I asked, confused. I don't really understand what's on the mind of this girl. Is she really friends with my sister? -.-

"NO! I meant i want to break up with my OTHER fiance!"

"What? You cheated?" I gasped! This is so wayyy beyond my expertise. Hello? Why should i even help a cheater cheat then win? Aargh. "Oh my gosh! Are you two timing?" I shrieked, too loud i might add that i think the whole place has heard us now. Based on my peripheral view, i am so right.

"What? NO!" She said, emphasizing the last word, for the curious parrons that are here listening to us talking. Yup, i guess right when she looked around but people just avoided her gaze.

"I'm sorry for shouting, but you said you have another fiance, that's like two timing in my book"

"Of course not! Look, can I just please tell the whole story without you judging me? I promise you, i did not cheat. Well, not intentionally." She said the last sentence as a whisper that i barely heard her, but still the message was clear.

"Okay, go ahead. I'l try not to judge. But don't you force me jnto whatever decision i make. Wether i'll accept your proposition or not depends solely on your story. So you better make it good,"i said with finality in my voice. I do know that i will not accept her idea, whatever reason she has up on her sleeves. Her situation is just not my field.

"Okay. Here it goes. You see, when I was still 15 years old, our family has always been close knit with the Suarez family. They have a son thats a year older than me. We were what you called childhood sweethearts, and both our parents root for our love story," she sighed then continued,"Our parents really did hope for us to be paired since they want our businesses to merge together. Theyengaged when we were still 10 years old to ensure that, hoping that love will someday grow between us. But you see as we grew older, our differences grew larger. He became the epitome of perfect son while i became the black sheep . Time flew by that and our circle became wider and our two families never saw each other for some time."

"I thought that the engagement was already off, because the two of us don't even click anymore. I was so confident and let myself fall to others. That's when i met Royce, he's the one I really love. I was about to introduce him to my parents, and yes, they never knew or met him when we were still dating because I was what you can call, a black sheep of the fmamily. Anyways, fast forward, when I was about to tell my parents the good news, they also brought me one, they said my fiance and his family is already planning a formal engagement. Can you believe it? I never thought I was still engaged to the person thats basically a stranger to me, no matter how many years we spent together when we were still young."

That's her problem? Being engaged to her childhood sweetheart AND her true love? That really just have a very simple solution. "Then  break up your engagement with the childhood guy," I said, matter of factly.

She shook her head, as if thinking my idea was ridiculous, " I cant do that. I had been a spoiled princess half my life, I dont want to disappoint them. I dont want to be the cause of the rift between our two damilies. This is way too delicate than you imagine."

I looked at her incredulously," So, you're saying that you want to break the engagement without doing it yourself? This is insane! Why are you even asking me to do this? As if I'd really think about doing this! No way in hell am I gonna be in between a very cliche story!"

Can you imagine me being in the reason of a failed arranged marriage? Just how sick os that? I cant go against someone who has money. That would be like suicide. And yes, i know my family's not poor but we're not that rich either.

"Look, i know this is too hard for you. But i'll give you time to think about it. I'll give you my number, here," She wrote in a piece of paper she got from her purse then handed it to me, " I'm getting desperate. I just want my happiness. I hope you can help."

And that basically the start of my screwed up life. YAY.

----------------AUTHOR'S NOTE---------------

I know, i know... its almost a year or maybe 2 since my last update. But oh well, here you go guys...

Please do comment or like this update if you want me to continue this one.

I mean, i do need some inspiration so that I can write more chapters for this story.

I already have a plot for my other story and if it seems like no one's reading this even if just one, then I MIGHT stop updating this one.

Thank you for waiting!! :)

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