14. I Walk The Line

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"WHAT happened to her?!?!" Dazai shouted

"An organization called The Black Rose captured (Y/N) and they are demanding a quarter of the money, that Mafia owns to get her back." Chuuya repeated "They said, that if we don't hurry, they will ask for half of the Mafia's money and if we don't reply within 3 days, they will kill her."

"I'm going to Yokohama." Dazai announced as he headed to the exit of the office

"Eh?! Hey, bandage-wasting device! We're not done talking!" Chuuya said irritatedly as he grabbed Dazai's collar, stopping him

"Chuuya, I have to get there as soon as I can and save (Y/N)." Dazai said stiffly

A shorter ginger let go of Dazai's collar as he understood, that the brunette was, definitely, not in the mood to fool around.

"How are you going to do it?" Chuuya asked "You can't save her alone and I can't go with you because I have things to do here. We could organize a saving mission, but it will take time, that we don't have."

"Tell my subordinates, that stayed in Yokohama, to prepare for the mission. We'll go on it, once I get there." Dazai said

"Without any plan?!" Chuuya asked in shock

"I'll come up with something. I can't stay here anyway." Dazai answered

"And what if they will have more people, than you? What are you going to do?" Chuuya asked

"I just told you, that I'll come up with something!" Dazai exclaimed as he was getting more and more impatient

"You indeed are a suicidal maniac!" Chuuya replied

"I don't care. I have to leave now. I have already waisted a lot of time." Dazai scoffed as he headed to the exit door again

"Wait." Chuuya called him

Dazai obeyed and stopped in his track, but didn't turn around.

"What?" He replied

"Why?" Chuuya asked "Why are you so worried all of a sudden? You weren't a couple or something so that you would be ready to do anything to save her."

"I guess, that you do know the reason, but just want to hear it from me. Sadly, I won't grant your wish today." Dazai answered

Chuuya's eyes widened and then...softened. Dazai was right. He knew the reason to his behavior, but he wasn't sure about it. After all, it was always impossible to say what was on Dazai's mind.

"I see." He smirked "Go ahead then and save your princess~"

"Don't you dare to tease me, fancy hat." Dazai said and exited the office


All the way back to Yokohama, Dazai was feeling out of his skin. He couldn't relax for even a second as his whole mind was filled with thoughts about you and how to save you. His mind was chaotically thinking of thousands of different ways of how the things could go, what he should or shouldn't do if he wants to save you and to stay alive himself.

He was cracking his knuckles as he was thinking about what they could do to you. Who knew who those guys were and what was on their minds? They could torture you, they could beat you, they could lock you somewhere and the worst was, that they could...touch you. After all, it was quite rare to capture a beautiful young girl and to be able to keep her in their hideout. Dazai's blood was boiling at the thought of the last thing: you belonged to him and only he had the permission to touch you.

Thinking of a variants of how to torture those idiots, who captured you was much easier, than thinking of a way of how to get out of their lair.

"What if she is in pain?" Dazai thought, while looking out of the window "They could have indeed use the time, while (Y/N) is there and try to get some information out of her."

He clenched his jaw at the image of some gross man hurting you and making you sweat from pain and bleed. He decided, that he'll count all your cuts and other injuries and will double this number to get the number of how many teeth or nails, he will pull out to make those assholes pay. No, only pulling them out is a way too light punishment for hurting you. He'll think more about it and will come up with something more insightful.

The Black Rose....there was something about this name. It sounded too familiar.

Suddenly, it hit him.

The Black Rose....this was the fake name of the organization, that Dazai has came up with during your mission into a house of a gangster, named Konotori. He asked you two, the members of what organization you two were and this was when Dazai lied, that you belonged to The Black Rose.

His eyes widened.

The picture become perfectly clear now. Konotori found out, that you two were the ones, who stole those extremely important documents and files with information and now, he simply wanted some revenge. After all, it must have looked a lot like mocking at him: you got into his house, during a grand party, you even met him and lied to him without even batting and eyebrow and then, you stole one of the most important things in his house. Plus, Dazai didn't let him flirt with you by interrupting him abruptly.

Dazai didn't care about his desire to take a revenge and cause problems to the Port Mafia, itself. All he was worried about was the fact, that that dickhead was somewhere near you. The dark-haired mafioso got even angrier by thinking, that he could use this time to get you since he didn't succeed last time, when Dazai was near.

Why couldn't this train move faster? Yes, it was already at its maximum speed, but this was not enough. No speed will ever be fast enough for a person in a love, going to his significant other. This time wasn't any different. Dazai had to get to you, to see you, to hold you in his arms. Just sitting in the chair, without moving and only waiting for the train to get him to Yokohama, felt like an agony. He had a terrible urge to move, to do something. Sitting still made him want to crawl out of his own skin.

He didn't care if he was letting Chuuya or anyone else know, that he needed you like an oxygen. He only had to see you...this was his only desire.

"Oh, (Y/N)..." He thought "I promise, that I'll be there with you soon. And I promise, that if anybody has caused any pain, even if it's just a scrap, I won't hesitate: I will rip their heart out."


I hope, I did well^^ I wanted to show some of Dazai's true feelings in such situation. I really hope, that I managed to do it well.

Votes and comments are welcomed c:

Also, please, save me, my back fucking hurts because of one condition, that I have and it's supposed to be this way actually, but it's still painful to sit and stand for too long

Hassliebe; mafia!Dazai Osamu Where stories live. Discover now